hi ben, well i have been looking at celica donor salvage cars (initially we would need to buy complete cars for the transponder/keys and everything we would need) and it looks like under テつ」1000 gets one, i suppose the harder they have been hit the cheaper they are.

I would estimate the actual conversion labour to be somewhere around the テつ」1500 region so i suppose around テつ」2500 supplied and fitted sounds feasible although that is by no means set in stone.If we can find a supplier of 2zz engines that can also give us everything needed (front clips ideally) for under テつ」1000 and we can get the labour down as well then this becomes a very cheap conversion indeed.

Hi max, i would be able to offer this conversion either with the stock mk1 gearbox or with the Mk3 6 speeder although that would ramp the cost of the job up a bit due to needing to redesign the shifter assembly at the stick end (mk1's pull a cable to go into 1st gear,mk3's push the same cable for 1st gear, so it would all be backwards!)

I will get more info on it as time goes by,its only a matter of time before we start doing these as they are a nice modern version of the 4age in every way and will compliment the mk1.It won't be as nuts as the v6 swap or 3sgte, but a great option all the same.