Must say Paul, it's somethign I've been thinking about lately too. With more scrapped Elises/Exiges, the engines are probably also nickable from there (though the Celica or Corolla would be cheaper!). Though this does also mean there are further 'upgrade' options available for these engines... (Supercharged 2ZZ-GE... Yummy!!! )

Which gearbox would you be thinking of using? A six-speeder such as the C64 (though that's テつ」テつ」テつ」s) would be awesome with the high revving 2ZZ. (8600 rpm before you hit the rev-limiter... )

Should be in keeping with the character of the 4AGE in many ways which is why I was really warming to the idea. Similar weight, similar characteristics (it seems), both high revving - and both had some input from Yamaha...

TBH I've not got the money for either at the moment, but the 2ZZ was something I was thinking about as an alternative to the beast of a V6!