right, had some time on a scanner yesterday and grabbed the 3 articles I have..

tho uploading and renaming them took way longer to do !

I've put them on my flickr account for now, here... http://tinyurl.com/9qrqcc

So if you want to download them for use on the club website, then go for it
It totals about 9Mb....

The articles I've scanned are,

'Buyers Guide MR2' Classics Monthly September 2006
'East beats West' MX5 vs MR2 vs CRX Classic Cars April 2002
'The Brash Street Kids' MR2 vx CRX Classic and Sportscar 1999

I did have some more, but they've been lost over the years

If you have any you want scanning, I'm more than happy to do them for you, as the scanner here is super quick, but they need to be in single sheet form, ( ie removed from their original magazine ).

I think the buyers guide is a duplicate, but the others might be new ?

Anyhow, enjoy