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Thread: Silverstone Classic 2021 - 30th July to 1st August

  1. #1
    MR2 Mk1 Club Chairman tommundy's Avatar
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    Sheffield, UK

    Silverstone Classic 2021 - 30th July to 1st August

    Hi all,

    I just wanted to gauge what people's thoughts were on us attending the Silverstone Classic this year.

    Silverstone are still pushing towards having the event this year, but I can't personally see how a 100,000+ person event is going to be able to happen at the end of July, given that the best case for the vaccine programme is that all adults will have had their first vaccine by then.

    There's also the problem that their cheapest tickets are only available until the end of April, at which point I don't think anyone would want to be handing over money with how things may or may not go as the year goes on. They did extend the cheaper tickets until later last year, and so they may do the same this year.

    Silverstone are offering a full refund or transfer to next year policy, but I just don't feel confident advising people to sign up to the event at the moment, at least through the club as opposed to directly with Silverstone.

    It'll be rubbish to not attend the Classic for two years running, but we have to deal with what's on the plate.

    If there's a real interest from people that do want to attend and have a Mk1 stand, then I'll happily organise that, but I thought polling the masses was a wise idea first.

    Anyway, let me know your thoughts.

    Thanks in advance.


    Club Chairman

  2. #2
    MR2 Obsessive jimi's Avatar
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    I'm with you, can't see it happening this year (not as early as that)
    Black is not a colour ! .... Its the absence of colour

  3. #3
    MR2 Fan Lakelad's Avatar
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    Certainly it would be disappointing to miss the Classic for a second year but I agree it is too early to call.

    Sent from my SM-A217F using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    MR2 Fan
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    Feb 2013
    Depending on the covid restrictions maybe of interest the following meetings are still on the calender
    Beaulieu - Simply Japanese 25th July £13 advanced - full list on site
    MR2 National Day - 6th June - Hatton Country Park
    Tatton Park - Classic Car Spectacular June 5th - The Passion for Power Classic Sat 21st Sun 22nd August
    Acording to organisers the meetings will be covid safe, therfore restictions on numbers may be implemented and Goverment instructions followed.

  5. #5
    MR2 Fan Wi11iAMR2's Avatar
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    I've had the dates for the Tatton shows for ages but I didn't think it was worth posting them until there was something to say.
    I've sent a request in for the club stand at Passion for Power in August and inquired about Classic Car spectacular in June but I doubt that will be able to go ahead on current guidelines. I'm watching developments at Oulton Park too, just in case.
    I'll keep you informed.

  6. #6
    MR2 Fan Wi11iAMR2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wi11iAMR2 View Post
    I've had the dates for the Tatton shows for ages but I didn't think it was worth posting them until there was something to say.
    I've sent a request in for the club stand at Passion for Power in August and inquired about Classic Car spectacular in June but I doubt that will be able to go ahead on current guidelines. I'm watching developments at Oulton Park too, just in case.
    I'll keep you informed.
    Update. Just had a reply from Tatton, June will not be going ahead and August is pending government guidelines.

  7. #7
    MR2 Mk1 Club Chairman tommundy's Avatar
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    Cheers for the updates Bill.

    Fingers crossed we can get at least one event in by the end of the summer.

    Hope you and Mike are well.

  8. #8
    MR2 Mk1 Club Chairman tommundy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jed View Post
    Depending on the covid restrictions maybe of interest the following meetings are still on the calender
    Beaulieu - Simply Japanese 25th July £13 advanced - full list on site
    MR2 National Day - 6th June - Hatton Country Park
    Tatton Park - Classic Car Spectacular June 5th - The Passion for Power Classic Sat 21st Sun 22nd August
    Acording to organisers the meetings will be covid safe, therfore restictions on numbers may be implemented and Goverment instructions followed.
    Cheers John. Let's see how things pan out.

  9. #9
    MR2 Obsessive Martin42006's Avatar
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    Shame to hear about tatton, i was hoping to get to a few this year following the show drought last year.
    Finders crossed for the dc national day in June, i think that one will be the first one of the season.
    Yes i talk to myself, sometimes i need a professional opinion

  10. #10
    MR2 Enthusiast Sillyhatday's Avatar
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    I can't see Silverstone happening this year. I've already decided that I shall not risk my money like I did for my own trip last year. My eyes are set for 2022.

    Thatsaid, I want to squeeze in smaller meetings or events if they happen.

    I'd thought about Tatton Park this year but that isn't an option either.

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