Glad you had a nice day even though the turnout wasn't what it could have been.
I'd come. I'm just in totally the wrong place.

I'm not big on the social side I'm afraid. Grumpy old git! That said I've been waiting to get the car in a fit state to do the Kent run and now it might just about get round the run seems to have disappeared! I'm tempted to do what you did and send a last minute invite and go for a trundle anyway. If people want to come that's cool. Won't be until later in the year though. Too busy at the moment!

I have to admit, 30 years of hard work has totally trashed mine. I bought it as a scrap car so it shouldn't have been a surprise. But it was! I couldn't believe just how much was wrong with it. I'm still surprised it was running well enough to blow the head gasket in the first place. It must have been a horrific car to be in just before it died. It's going to take some serious work and a fair bit of cash to get it even close to how it was when it was new. I'm starting to get an impression of what it could be though. I can imagine how a fair few owners are having a mediocre experience.
