This is now as popular, if not more so as the Kent run. It is more controlled with everyone keeping together. Well that was the plan but unfortunately the first leg of the run did not quite work out like that! We met at the Toyota HQ building in Epsom. The guys from Toyota kindly give us refreshments when we arrive. They took a photo shoot of all the cars together for their marketing purposes and posted a report on their facebook page then joined us in one of the last production Mk3 roadster from the Toyota Heritage fleet for the entire run. After leaving Epsom the plan was to head straight for the M25 at Junction 8 which is approx 15 minutes away, shoot down to Junction 6 on to the A25 and stop at the Grasshopper Inn in Westerham. As we passed Junction 7, (The M23 junction) one of the MK2 MR2’s took an early exit. We tooted him to tell him he was going the wrong way but he indicated that he wasn’t joining the run and was going to his home in Brighton. The next thing we saw was all the MR2’s behind him following him and formed a convoy onto the M23! There was nothing we could do but watch them disappear in the wrong direction. The remaining MR2’s continued to the Grasshopper Inn hoping the others would realise their error and make their way back. It was a good half hour wait at the Grasshopper car park before they arrived telling us they went all the way to the Gatwick Airport turn off before they could head back. Fortunately the rest of the run went like clockwork as we continued through Edenbridge, The Ashdown Forest, onto the A22 going via Lewes and ending up at Beachy Head before heading off for a pub lunch.

Meeting at the Toyota HQ Building in Epsom

Getting ready for a photo shoot


Joining the M25 at Junction 8

Waiting at the Grasshopper Inn at Westerham

Still waiting

At last we get going

A stop in the Ashdown Forest

The roads of East Sussex heading towards Beachy Head