Hi all,

Two-Brutal have kindly offered to share their JAE (Japanese Auto Extravaganza) pitch with the Mk1 club this year.

For those that don't know what JAE is, it is basically the ultimate Japanese Car Show. All the cars on display are Japanese and there are usually some very special examples. There are normally plenty of MR2's in attendance spread across the various clubs; IMOC, MR2OC, Two-Brutal etc. As well as all the cars that are on display, there are lots of competitions and other fun events going on throughout the weekend that you can either take part in or just go along to have a laugh.

Tickets can be purchased directly from JAE at the below url:


They are priced at £35 if you're planning on arriving on Thursday 4th or £30 if you plan to arrive on the Friday or Saturday. The ticket price includes camping!

If you're planning on going, you can either pop your name down in this thread or over on the Two-Brutal thread here

Further details can be found from the JAE website - http://www.japcarclub.org/

So, who's in? I for one, will be attending!
