Its not very often these days that i post on here... & its for this very reason, i find it disgusting that a club stand organiser has to go begging cap in hand for pitch fee's all this time after the event !! Alan is his own worst enemy because he does it all for the love of the club & its members & shame on those still to pay for exploiting that fact & even more shame on the club for not subbing the event in the 1st place !!, there is no way any organiser should foot the bill for a club event. If im wrong on any of the above im happy to be corrected, but at the end of the day Alan is still out of pocket in the name of the Mk1 Club... & that cant be right !!... sorry for the moan, but this is yet another reason why so many regional organisers have stood down in the past... some things never change eh ?,. Jinxy