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Thread: ** Save the Date! ** - Silverstone Classic 2017 - 28th to 30th July 2017

  1. #1
    MR2 Mk1 Club Chairman tommundy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sheffield, UK

    ** Save the Date! ** - Silverstone Classic 2017 - 28th to 30th July 2017

    Hi all,

    Welcome to the official thread for the 2017 Silverstone Classic!

    Click image for larger version. 

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    As usual, the Mk1 club has secured a great deal on tickets, which means that you get 2 tickets for the price of 1! Why not make a weekend of it and get the best value by buying a 3 day ticket? Many people arrive on Thursday evening and enjoy 3 full days and nights of racing, rocking and laughs!

    The table of prices can be seen below:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	laterbird.JPG 
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ID:	4212

    All of the above ticket prices include 2 tickets plus 1 in-field car pass.

    The above prices are based on booking by 31st May. After that date, ticket purchases are no longer available.

    These prices are only available to club members, so if you're not already a member and are wanting to come, it's well worth the £10 joining fee as you'll save way more than this by taking up our ticket price offer. You can join or renew from the following link:

    Camping is paid for separately and by yourself direct to Woodlands or another camp site if you choose so. It's a great laugh on Woodlands, as we normally co-ordinate setting up together. It's £49 per person, but that covers you from Thursday, and you can stay until Monday I think if you like. The facilities are excellent and it's probably the craziest campsite you'll ever see in terms of the cars on show. You can buy the tickets online by following the guide below:

    Buying Camping Online Guide

    Friday Night Music
    The Friday night line-up has now been confirmed with a special Summer of Love celebration planned. The Bootleg Beatles, widely hailed as the world’s premier Fab Four tribute group, will be topping the Friday night bill and further #1 live tribute acts – Who’s Next and Are You Experienced? – will be joining The Bootleg Beatles, celebrating the hits of The Who and Jimi Hendrix respectively.

    Saturday Night Music
    Spandau Ballet’s former front-man Tony Hadley is topping Saturday night’s bill at the Classic this year and The Dire Straits Experience, formed when original sax-playing band member, Chris White, teamed-up with singer-songwriter Terence Reis, will also be taking to the stage on Saturday evening. The unforgettable music of Spandau Ballet and Dire Straits defined the eighties and it’s going to be very special to hear all those timeless songs performed again at this summer’s Silverstone Classic.


    Club Chairman

    ************************************************** ******************************


    To purchase tickets, please private message me with the following information:

    • Name
    • Address
    • Landline and/or Mobile Number
    • Car Registration
    • Ticket required (see table above)
    • Preferred payment method (PayPal, Bank Transfer or Cheque/Cash)

    Once I've received payment, I'll add your tickets to our order, confirming with you once that's done.

    This event just gets better and better each year. If you're thinking about taking part, don't hesitate and get signed up!

    *** Official Attendees List ***
    1. Tom Mundy - tommundy - Weekend - Camping - PAID
    2. Daniel Simpson - Sillyhatday - Weekend - Camping - PAID
    3. David Lycett - Mister2.2 - Weekend - Camping - PAID
    4. Tommy Ogle - coverco - Weekend - Camping - PAID
    5. John Dawson - jed - Saturday - PAID
    6. Rachel Seed - Rach - Friday - PAID
    7. Graham Wilkinson - Lakelad - Weekend - Camping - PAID
    8. Bill Mitchell - Wi11iAMR2 - Weekend - Camping - PAID
    9. Peter Scatchard - Weekend - PAID
    10. Dave Pressler - Weekend - PAID
    11. Anthony Currie - Gilles27 - Weekend - Camping - PAID
    12. Ken Salmon - Weekend - PAID
    13. Clive Etheridge - Sunday - PAID
    14. Gordon Salmon - Fri/Sat - PAID
    15. Shane Reid - Shaner - Weekend - Camping - PAID
    16. Scott Temple - Crossle - Weekend - Camping - PAID
    17. Stuart Gregory - sTuArT - Saturday - PAID
    18. Gary Mellor - mk1 dal - Weekend - Camping - PAID
    19. Bill Hulme - bill hulme - Weekend - Camping - PAID

  2. #2
    MR2 Enthusiast Sillyhatday's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    1. Tom Mundy - Thur/Fri/Sat/Sun - Camping
    2. Dan Simpson - Thur/Fri/Sat/Sun - Camping

    Is the price of camping separate, from memory? Is that included in the ticket price?

  3. #3
    MR2 Mk1 Club Chairman tommundy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sheffield, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Sillyhatday View Post
    Is the price of camping separate, from memory? Is that included in the ticket price?
    Hey up Dan!

    Yeh, camping is paid for separately and by yourself direct to Woodlands or another camp site if you choose so. It's a great laugh on Woodlands as we normally co-ordinate setting up together. It's £49 per person, but that covers you from Thursday, and you can stay until Monday I think if you like.

    Any other questions, just ask.


  4. #4
    MR2 Enthusiast Sillyhatday's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    I stayed on woodlands last year, and I did see all the MR2s together. I'll be joined and may convoy down with someone else not in a MR2, so I'll try get with the club and other folks nearby too.

    Just had a quick look about campsite booking. For anyone wondering, you can still do it online without buying an entry ticket.

    While I was there last year I ended up taking almost 2000 photos with the DLSR. I hope to get some good stills coverage for everyones car while I'm there. I've got some examples on my Flickr profile. I'm no pro, just a hobbyist but I'll dish them out after the event if all is well.

    Looking forwards to it now Plus as I've just found out, I need to pack light...

    Oh hows the payment system going to work?
    Last edited by Sillyhatday; 9th January 2017 at 07:52 PM.

  5. #5
    MR2 Obsessive
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    1. Tom Mundy - Thur/Fri/Sat/Sun - Camping
    2. Dan Simpson - Thur/Fri/Sat/Sun - Camping
    3. Tommy Ogle - Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun - Camping

  6. #6
    MR2 Obsessive
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    We will be going down the M1 on the Thursday, possibly with Anthony. You are more than welcome to join us but we normally go around mid day. We will organise meeting points nearer the time. We will be camping in the electric hook up section though.

  7. #7
    MR2 Mk1 Club Chairman tommundy's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Sheffield, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Sillyhatday View Post
    Just had a quick look about campsite booking. For anyone wondering, you can still do it online without buying an entry ticket.
    I've now created a guide and added it to the main opening post for purchasing camping via the Silverstone website as it's not the most intuitive process.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sillyhatday View Post
    I hope to get some good stills coverage for everyones car while I'm there. I've got some examples on my Flickr profile. I'm no pro, just a hobbyist but I'll dish them out after the event if all is well.
    That's a nice offer! I'm sure people would appreciate that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sillyhatday View Post
    Oh hows the payment system going to work?
    You'll have the option of paying by PayPal, Bank Transfer or Cheque/Cash. I'll put up details within the next few weeks.


  8. #8
    MR2 Enthusiast Gilles27's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Oxspring, nr Penistone, nr Sheffield, UK
    Please add me for the whole weekend. We'll be taking the caravan and awning and having electric hook-up again. I've started getting into cocktail making, so we might set up a bar!

  9. #9
    MR2 Obsessive
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilles27 View Post
    Please add me for the whole weekend. We'll be taking the caravan and awning and having electric hook-up again. I've started getting into cocktail making, so we might set up a bar!
    That could get very messy

  10. #10
    MR2 Enthusiast Gilles27's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Oxspring, nr Penistone, nr Sheffield, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by coverco View Post
    That could get very messy

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