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Thread: 2017 - north west

  1. #1
    MR2 Fan Lakelad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    2017 - north west

    With the car parked up for the winter and the nights closing in I am starting to look forward to 2017!

    Added to this colleagues at work are starting to book holidays for 2017 and so I have started looking at my calendar.

    By this time last year we had fixed up the dates for this years programme of events and so I thought I would draw up a list of proposed North West dates for 2017 so at least we have a starting point. Obviously this is only a suggestions and we need to find folk to organise the different runs and events and we need a NW organiser to step forward but this might be a helpful starting point.

    Based on a like for like programme of what we have done for the last few years here is only a suggestion of dates for 2017.

    March – Sunday 19th - Lake District Run (Graham)

    April – Sunday 23rd - North Wales Run

    May – Sunday 21st - Peak District Run (Gary)

    June – Saturday and Sunday 3rd & 4th - Classic Car Show Tatton Park (Bill M)

    July – Sunday 2nd - North Pennines Run (Graham)

    July - Silverstone Classic – 28th - 30th (Tom M - National Event)

    August – Saturday and Sunday 19th & 20th - Classic Car Show Tatton Park (Bill M)

    September – Sunday 17th - The Great Yorkshire Run (Anthony)

    October – Sunday 29th - Blackpool Illuminations (Graham)

    So with nothing set in stone, feel fee to input with suggestions and comments and lets see if we can start to work out a programme of events to look forward to in 2017!

    Last edited by Lakelad; 17th January 2017 at 08:24 PM. Reason: Updating

  2. #2
    MR2 Enthusiast Gilles27's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Oxspring, nr Penistone, nr Sheffield, UK
    Thanks for this Graham. I'll pencil these dates onto our calendar. I'm happy to confirm that the Yorkshire Run on Sept 16th is a date that suits me and I'll lead that run again. The route will be the same as this year, with the addition of the 'Graham loop' we discussed!

    Hope the rest of the dates can be confirmed asap.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    MR2 Fan Johnsf's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    Thanks for proposing these dates Graham, they look fine to me. See you next year.


  5. #5
    MR2 Enthusiast Sillyhatday's Avatar
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    Sep 2016
    I'll definitely be attending some of those dates. Definitely silverstone classic and peak district run. Looking forward to it

  6. #6
    MR2 Mk1 Club Chairman tommundy's Avatar
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    Sheffield, UK
    Thread stickied!

  7. #7
    MR2 Fan Lakelad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Thanks Mr Club Chairman!!

    Gary has posted up details of the Peak run and I hace posted up details of the Lakes run.

  8. #8
    MR2 Fan Lakelad's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    We now have the Lakes Run , the Peaks Run, Tatton in June and Silverstone all posted up on different individual threads, which is great news. Does anyone want to get a thread up and running for the north Wales run on April 23rd? Bill Hulme, Gary, myself and others all know the route and Bill may even co-pilot if some one has a spare passenger seat. If no one posts it up I will next week.

  9. #9
    MR2 Mk1 Club Chairman tommundy's Avatar
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    Sheffield, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilles27 View Post
    Thanks for this Graham. I'll pencil these dates onto our calendar. I'm happy to confirm that the Yorkshire Run on Sept 16th is a date that suits me and I'll lead that run again. The route will be the same as this year, with the addition of the 'Graham loop' we discussed!

    Hope the rest of the dates can be confirmed asap.
    Hey up Anthony!

    I was just updating the Silverstone date in the opening thread post and noticed that the Yorkshire Run was set as Sunday 16th September, but that doesn't exist.

    Please can you confirm whether it's Saturday 16th or Sunday 17th?


  10. #10
    MR2 Enthusiast Gilles27's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Oxspring, nr Penistone, nr Sheffield, UK
    I'll go for Sunday the 17th. Want me to start a thread, or wait until mid-summer?

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