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Thread: anything happening

  1. #1

    anything happening

    is there nothing going on in this club ?
    last post for anything happening is may !!
    do people arrange them through texting or phones ?
    i havent got a car yet but will soon and have always taken part in club events for whatever car i have but it looks like i will have to join another club for events , any suggetions ?

    be careful about complacency in this area , i have seen a couple of clubs just turn in to cliquey local things because of not posting meets up and when asked about it the answer has been "well we know each other now so just ring each other"
    this has led to people looking at the club pages ans deciding not to join because nothing is going on ( like i just have ) and it would be a shame to see a good club like this go down the same route .

  2. #2
    MR2 Obsessive Master-B's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    The Peoples Republic of Liverpool
    Where are you, some regions are more active than others. We have something going on every month in the nw... Always posted on here

  3. #3
    MR2 Obsessive Kateg28's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    East Herts aka 3 Miles from Jinxy
    I assume you mean just for Yorkshire as the club site as a whole is quite active. I post 4 or 5 times a week.

    I always check latest posts across the whole site as neighbouring areas have meets as well and there is no definitionn of who could attend what. I would be welcome at the North West meets if I wanted to do the drive to them from Hertfordshire. I am assuming I would be welcome? Wouldn't I?

  4. #4
    MR2 Obsessive Master-B's Avatar
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    The Peoples Republic of Liverpool
    NO! Ha ha just kidding Kate, everyone is welcome in the nw, even if you live south of Watford just watch out for Bills wondering hands Thing is we have a core 7 or 8 people and then the same number again of semi regulars so there are enough people to keep our monthly meets going. I think Tom was stuck with just himself or one other for company at the yorkshire meets but they do meet up via the imoc forum too.

  5. #5
    MR2 Mk1 Club Chairman tommundy's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Sheffield, UK
    Hi Spike,

    Thank you for your concerns, but I'll clear up a few things for you.

    You are right in stating that the Yorkshire section has been quiet since we helped Douglas remove his engine in April and the monthly meet happened in May. However, in the time since then there have been a couple of big events that people from the region have travelled to such as Tatton Park over in Cheshire, Oulton Park car show and the Silverstone Classic.

    There should be a monthly meeting in conjuction with IMOC happening on the 4th September, which can be found through the link on the thread a couple of posts down. I'm not sure if I'll be coming to this as I'm planning on removing my head to change the head gasket on Monday and it won't be back together by then.

    I'll be posting up shortly about a big event up at Malton in October that I'd love to see a few Mk1's go to. I am moving house over the next week, but after that will start posting more actively to arrange more events in the Yorkshire region. I tried for about 18 months to get a monthly meet going and had up to 4 people but 1 person emigrated and another sold his car, which left only 1 other and myself and only 1 roadworthy mk1 between us. However, if more members are appearing in the region then I will start something up again.

    Please refrain from making judgements over the club and suggesting that we're cliquey in any way. When you meet us you'll find that we're all very friendly and are open and willing to share tips and stories of Mk1's.

    Hopefully you can make one of the events/meets that will occur before the end of the year and we can have a chat.


  6. #6
    MR2 Enthusiast bill hulme's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Hi Spike,
    If you look in upcoming events you will see whats going on, The N/West has a peak run in September you would be most welcome,
    there is JAE next Month,
    plus a monthly meeting every month,
    Welcome to the club.

  7. #7
    thanks for all the replys

    tom i never said you were cliquey in any way i just pointed out some clubs i have been a member of have gone that way .
    i see there are meets and stuff going on just seems very quiet on the yorkshire bit but then it would be if there was only
    one car between you,
    hopefully when i get the car i can go to a few meets and get involved.
    if i get the car in time i would love to go on the peaks run , i have been watching it .
    hope to meet you all soon

  8. #8
    MR2 Mk1 Club Chairman tommundy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sheffield, UK
    Hi Chris,

    If you need any help or want someone to have a look over your car, just get in touch. I'm based in Sheffield so Donny isn't far away at all. It might be worth asking if anyone has a passenger seat going spare for the Peaks run as it's a good run to get involved in. Of course, it's more fun actually driving!


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by tommundy View Post
    Hi Chris,

    If you need any help or want someone to have a look over your car, just get in touch. I'm based in Sheffield so Donny isn't far away at all. It might be worth asking if anyone has a passenger seat going spare for the Peaks run as it's a good run to get involved in. Of course, it's more fun actually driving!


    thanks for that offer ,
    i am trying to view a car off this site but cant seem to match up times im available , i have no doubt the car is the one i want but just have to view first , desperatley trying to get a car to get me out the house , have you seen the jobs my missus can come up with as im at home too much now

  10. #10
    its just been pointed out to me by my other half that i will be in benidorm on the 23rd , im doing a banger run down to benidorm starting in blackpool then down to benidorm via dover lyon barcelona , i did it earlier this year and have got involved in the planning and stuff for this latest one , i drive the back up car ( a volvo v70 t5 with 247k miles on it )
    will have to watch for next one , do people meet during winter time or are the cars garaged ? i use to take my skylines off the road for winter and drive family boring box just to keep my car in better condition
    bugger again

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