It is possible yes, because Mk3 Mr2 shafts fit the gearbox and also fit the hubs, the only issue is the supported bearing bracket, which on the 1zz has somewhere to bolt to, on a 4a-ge it does not directly bolt up to anywhere with the 1zz bracket, but i have made adaptors in the past to hold the Mk3 supported shaft onto the 4a-ge block, now i don't have jigs for that part, it was so rare that anyone asked me to do that that i just did it in situ on the day.

Unless there is a Corolla or something which uses a C series gearbox and a 4a engine with a supported shaft setup (from memory i think there is but will need to research it), then that would provide a plug and play supported shaft setup.

I will look into it and get back to you, but yes it is possible to do it anyway with a little but of bracketry and Mk3 shafts.