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View Full Version : sending PMs

28th May 2011, 10:43 AM
OK I have tried to send a couple of PM recently, no error message comes up but when I look into my sent messages file the PM I wanted to send isn't there, whats going on, are PMs working?

28th May 2011, 02:27 PM
Strange. PMs haven't seemed to be a problem... Try sending me a PM and let me know via this thread when you've done so. Let's see if it gets through.

28th May 2011, 02:34 PM
the one i sent earlier was replied to, so that part is working it just didn't appear in my sent messages folder so until it was replied to i didn't know it had been sent

28th May 2011, 03:05 PM
Kev, can you see the one you sent me? I received it fine.

Use the "Forum Actions" link at the top of the page. Click "General Settings" until you see this:

Try setting that to save your messages and now see what it does. Feel free to keep sending me test PMs till it's sorted. ;)

28th May 2011, 04:18 PM
thanks Max sorted now

7th June 2011, 05:19 PM
Ha, ha, yeah I ran into this same issue, plus a few more when the forum was updated. I finallly figured everything out today, I think.:D

It appears that everyone's old settings were deleted, and the new default settings really need a lot of personal tweaking to get things back to normal, at least for me.

One of the new default settings does not automatically save sent mesaages, and you have to reset it in order to do so. Of course you also have to know where to find these settiings (under 'Forum Actions', which is a bit different from any other forum I belong to).

I also found out that I was not longer receiving instant notifications of new posts and PM's, so I lost out there for some time.

The one really annoying thing, however (lol), is that there seems to be no global way of setting the thread appearance within general sections. You have to actually go to the bottom of each individual section page and choose how you want the threads in it to appear (old posts first, new posts first, ascending, descending, etc.). Would be nice to have a global setting for that.

16th June 2011, 10:53 PM
Sorry, just saw this for some reason.

Ha, ha, yeah I ran into this same issue, plus a few more when the forum was updated. I finallly figured everything out today, I think.:D

It appears that everyone's old settings were deleted, and the new default settings really need a lot of personal tweaking to get things back to normal, at least for me.

One of the new default settings does not automatically save sent mesaages, and you have to reset it in order to do so. Of course you also have to know where to find these settiings (under 'Forum Actions', which is a bit different from any other forum I belong to).

Yes, this seems to be the case. Sorry about that. I could change it for everyone now, but I don't know whether that'd change the settings for the already registered members...

I also found out that I was not longer receiving instant notifications of new posts and PM's, so I lost out there for some time.

The one really annoying thing, however (lol), is that there seems to be no global way of setting the thread appearance within general sections. You have to actually go to the bottom of each individual section page and choose how you want the threads in it to appear (old posts first, new posts first, ascending, descending, etc.). Would be nice to have a global setting for that.

This is indeed really annoying for me too. I haven't yet figured out how to set that setting globally though, but would love to find out! (Admittedly I've not spejnt that long looking...)

16th June 2011, 11:43 PM
Monkeymax: Well, ar least it's good to know that people are aware of it.

But here is another issue that I have run into which really seems a bit odd. When entering a a section such as 'RHONSMR2' or 'WOODSPORT', from the main forum page, the threads within these sections are always shown in ascending order, from the date of when they were started. You can reselect their order, such as 'Last Posted'/'Descending order', which is most useful for me, but every time you go away from that section, and then reselect it, the thread order reverts back to 'ascending order'/'date when thread was started'. All sections, within the 'Classifieds and Affiliates' section do this, except for a couple of sections, such as 'Parts wanted' and 'Parts for Sale', which do actually remember your previous thread order selection.

I think all of the other forum sections outside of/above 'Classifieds and Affiliates' remember your thread appearance selection when you return to them later. Kind of annoying having to check each section to see if it is behaving normally or not. I probably missed a few posts here and there, because I assumed the threads were being displayed differently, and only gave them a quick glance thinking there were no new threads to read.

17th June 2011, 01:04 PM
Thanks for that. :+: You gave me a hint on where to look to sort it out (I'd previously changed some, not all the forums, and forgotten to finish it).
I've now set all forums to display threads in descending last post order. Let me know if I missed a section, but hopefully they'll all be sorted now!!


17th June 2011, 04:50 PM
Thanks for that. :+: You gave me a hint on where to look to sort it out (I'd previously changed some, not all the forums, and forgotten to finish it).
I've now set all forums to display threads in descending last post order. Let me know if I missed a section, but hopefully they'll all be sorted now!!

Muchos gracias!! They all look good in regards to the posting order now, at least all of the ones that I normally check, which is most of them.:)