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22nd March 2011, 12:44 PM
Hi all :wave:

Was wondering if anyone from the North has had their car thru the MOT while having stainless steel brake hoses fitted ?

After years off the road and what has been a lot of work, I got my 89 NA MOT's a few weeks ago and one of the items they picked up on was that the brake hoses did not have locking pins into the calipers.

Anyone else experienced this ?



23rd March 2011, 04:28 PM
Hi Dave :+:
Never heard of that but will ask arround, by the way did you get it through.If so are you up for any of our upcoming events ,We have the Easter run on Sunday 1st May and Mosney show on 12th of June

24th March 2011, 07:45 AM
Hi Colin.

Haven't got it thru yet. There was a few other points I had to fix.

Funily enuf, I took it thru an MOT last Oct to see what it would fail on after it being off the road so long, and even though the goodridge lines were fitted then, there was no issue with them.



24th March 2011, 08:45 AM
Are they talking about were the standard hose were it clips onto the side of the strut.Have not had a chance to look at mine but if i can remember i think there is a small bracket the metal bit on the hose clips into and the goodridge ones dont have the metal bit on the hose .Are they complaining they are just hanging there if so can you secure them with a ty wrap or something ,just an idea .Keep me informed how you get on as i am considering changing my hoses :lol:

Colin :+:

24th March 2011, 09:23 AM
Nope, got them attached to the strut ok. The Goodridge ones come with the correct fitting for this :


The OE brake line :


Its the left most end in the pic where it bolts to the caliper - the U-shaped pin fits into a hole in the caliper. The goodridge hoses don't have these pins.

Pics on Eric Southers' site http://www.padandwheels.com.



24th March 2011, 12:32 PM
Founld this online :

DVLNI MOT Testing Manual


From what I can see there is no reason for the failure on the point of SS brake lines replacing OE.


24th March 2011, 04:18 PM
Yes Dave ,After reading the link i do not see how they can fail you on this point .What way have they described this on the defect report.It sounds like you have had a jobsworth :-: at the test centre .Which centre di you go to?
Colin :+: