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View Full Version : Ireland 1st year anniversary run!

1st July 2010, 01:36 PM
ok all.
i am trying to see if there is enough interest in doing the first run last august as a one year celebration/anniversary of the irish section and building of the mk1 club and members.
the date would be either the 28th or 29th more than likely the 29th which is a sunday.
it will only be a short run about 35km but there will be places for pictures and an excuse to meet up and chat and socialise again.
last year we started of at the carrickdale hotel in jonesborough and finished in carlingford.
probably be a start of 11 or 12 depending.
so anyone interested please check your calenders/black books/blackberry or whatever :lol: and please let me know ASAP so i can try and get numbers and see about the possibility of organising our own parking space in carlingford.
again let me know asap.
thanks all.
mark :+:

12th July 2010, 08:13 AM
is no body interested in the end of august run????
can whoever is interested let me know please!

20th July 2010, 10:45 PM
Alpha, put me down for that if I buy mine before that date!!

Also, if you need anything arranged in Carlingford, let me know. I live out the road from it and girlfriend lives there so if there's anything that could be done etc, just me know and I will do my best, would have a good few contacts in the area.


21st July 2010, 08:05 AM
excellent... thanks paddy..
still waiting on numbers, but when i get them i wanted to try and organise a space for our cars there at the end of the run while we all stop of and get a bite andf have a chat... the first run was last year and started in the carrickdale car park and finished in carlingford.. there was only 3 of us and still had difficulty getting parking together :) :)
if i have a few cars then i was hoping the council or tourist office might give us a space for our cars and that way visitors can look at the cars while we stay there....
as soon as i get numbers or that i will let you know paddy.
thanks again for the offer :+: :+:

27th July 2010, 10:02 PM
Hi all
Just a reminder of the anniversary run planned for the 29th of August around the Carlingford area. This will be a short run taking in about 40 km and is the same as the first run we did when we decided to try and revitalise the club over here ,then we had 3 cars and if you follow the forum on the web site we have come a long way in one year .
I think i can say all those that have attended the runs /shows have all had a good time and long may it continue .This run will probably be the last this year for a lot of us as the cars will be put away for the winter so can i ask as many of you as possible to try and turn out on the day and make this another success .

Those who have said they will be there are

Mark Piper
Ronnie Bann
Colm Toale + 1 other car
Stephen Allison +3 other cars ,and a possible 4 more just awaiting owners to return from holiday.

So guys lets try and make this the biggest turn out to date
If you are interested please let me know ASAP as it is only about 4 weeks away and we are trying to organise something special for those that attend

29th July 2010, 10:15 PM
Put me down folks! Will happily take part in my new wagon! :+: As I was saying before, if there's anything I can do in Carlingford just let me know. I already put a feeler out with a girl in the tourist office and she's going to come back to me so will help arrange a parking spot/area if possible.


30th July 2010, 05:43 AM
Hi Paddy
:+: Great to have you on board and i am sure Mark will appreciate anything you can do to help out in Carlingford see you on the day

3rd August 2010, 01:01 PM
ok all.
i have driven over the route last friday to ensure everything is still ok.
the plan is to meet in the over flow car park in the carrick dale hotel in jonesborough
between 11.00 and 11.30.
i will have the route sheets with me and we will have a chat and coffee or that and then take it by ear as to when we leave from there,
but 11.30 is the latest, after that there is no garantee we will still be there!
hopefully there will be plenty of cars and enthusiasts to mark the first anniversary of the club over here.
anyone needing more info or having problem contact either myself or colin(mr2mk1)

10th August 2010, 08:44 PM
ok guys.. further update on the run on the 29th of august.
i was speaking to the lady from carlingford last night about spaces
she is going to try and cone off a section for us near the boot sale,
it is a very busy weekend for them especially on sunday when rte will
be there for people leaving the castle having lived in it for a week
like a medieval person, they are encouraging people to dress in medieval
getup... so be warned :lol: if you want to dress up all the better....
make sure and have the cars all shined up... who knows we might even
get on the tele with the rte cameras...be the cars for the irish job!!!
where we kidnap all the bankers and hide them once and for all :lol: :lol:
just kidding... i have the attendance awards for those that turn up on the day :)

16th August 2010, 07:55 AM
ok guys... final update for the run on sunday week...
if we all meet up in the over flow car park on the opposite side of the carrickdale hotel
between 12.15 and 12.45 sunday 29th of august....
hopefully the weather will be good and dry on the day.
this run will mark 1 year of the mk1 as a club over this side of the water....
so a big thanks to colin(lao), pat (past lao) & ronnie (master chef) who helped big time to get us all where we are and to the rest of you that turn up at the shows and runs and just generally have an interest in the mr2 mk1's :+: :+: as colin would say" onwards and upwards" :lol:
thanks guys!!!may next year be even bigger and better :D

19th August 2010, 05:54 PM
I found out that there is another Mk1 owner in Dundalk. Spoke to him about this run and he may take part in the Carlingford leg, so we may have another new member.

Also, apparently they're taking the whole medievel theme very seriously. There'll be plenty of people in medievel get-up (incl. my girlfriend) so if you have any gear bring it along!

19th August 2010, 09:10 PM
the closest thing i could manage to medieval would be a big kick ass braveheart sword... hey all i need is a kilt and blue and white paint... what do you think... that be acceptable to them paddy??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
the more the merrier paddy... all mk1 enthusiasts welcome :) :)
did you have any joy with your caliper????

21st August 2010, 02:05 PM
Ok everyone just a week until what is going to be our bigeest turn out to date {Praying) :lol: our 1st aniversary run

Can everyone who is going drop me a quickie to our email address just to confirm, and for those of you who are saying what is the addresS it is


I am hoping that all of us who are in the North can meet up and go down together .
I was thinking anyone from Belfast and futher north could maybe meet up in the B&Q car park at Sprucefield anyone with any other ideas let me know.So see you all next Sunday and hopefully we will have another enjoyable day out

Colin :+:

25th August 2010, 07:54 AM
just a few days left guys
hopefully it will be a good day with a good turn out and no hassles
roll on sunday!
:+: :+: