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kevs aw11
10th June 2009, 04:19 PM
After two long years my car has passed its mot with flying colours its not mint be a good base to build on its been hard work with blood, sweat, and a lot of tears but we made it. I am now looking forward to meeting other club members
thanks kev

10th June 2009, 04:33 PM
thats great, good to have you aboard. best car ,best name. :clap: :clap:
put your general location in your profile (if you want) i think it makes it easier for members to find each other.

10th June 2009, 06:26 PM
And get some pics up :+:

It's always nice to see pics of a car that's had a lot of work put into it - it'll give us mere mortals hope and motivation as well :lol:

Welcome to the club Kev 8-)

kevs aw11
13th June 2009, 03:13 PM
Hi just a few words taxed the car this morning thought 190 a bit steep for 12 months :shock: any way has I live in hyde cheshire I have some good roads to test the car on headed to wards macclesfield got on to the A537 known as the cat and fiddle (you go passed a pub of that name) its a really great drivers road trying to keep up with the bikers ;) then on to buxton on the A6 turn on to the A624 in to glossop then turn on to the A57 (snake pass) what a road :D carry on to wards sheffield turn at the A6101 keep going then pick up the A6102 heading towards stocksbridge turn on to A616 towards manchester then pick up A628 (wood head ) carry on enjoying the great drivers roads lots of passing chances (third gear) :D then you can pick up the motor way network :+: :+: :+:

mk1 dal
14th June 2009, 11:53 PM
hi i live at buxton and safely abused the cat&fiddle most weekends :shh: but not anymore over policing as made the road a no go area for bikes and sport cars, due to riders and drivers not knowing road ,going like hell and crashing.To fellow mk1 drivers if you USE this road do a slow run first ,check for diesel on corners (spilt by lorries),sheep at top corners near the cat&fiddle mac side and the cambers of corners (most are wrong)especially for bikes.The mk1 will fly on the cat giving many evo and subaru drivers a slap in the face and respect from bikers round the twisty bits .I know the route you've taken and they are fantastic roads to drive on ,pm next time you are coming this way i know some great roads with fantastic scenery .all the hard work as paid off and hopefully many enjoyable miles to come (with a big grin on your face ) welcome to the club :+:

15th June 2009, 09:16 AM
awsome :+: A baptims of fire for your mk1 LOL
cat & fiddle is a must for mk1s :mrgreen:

A friend of ours (not naming) reguarly hoons around there and flys past bikes etc, nutter!
the road does have a reputation for accidents though, and no-one should take chances. there are plenty of areas to look well ahead for overtaking.

glad you are enjoying it after the sting of the tax

kevs aw11
15th June 2009, 04:41 PM
yes I agree about doing a dry run on roads your not sure of :?: :?: :?: but these cars were made for these roads ;) ;) ;) I just can not stop grinning :+: :+: :wave: