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View Full Version : 'Monster projects'

Handsome Rob
21st May 2009, 02:41 PM
Being the sociable, amiable club that we are, the forum descriptor (http://www.mr2mk1club.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1069)for 'Monster projects' is a bit, erm, elitest don't you think?

90% of us who are on limited budgets, have only the street for a garage, use our MR2s daily but still regard them as project cars - where are our threads meant to go?

:wave: Nomination for an ordinary 'Project Cars' sub-forum please :) :+: :+:

21st May 2009, 03:00 PM
It's a good point Rob - particularly given there's only two threads in there at the moment.
I'm against just opening up more sub-forums for the sake of it though. It makes things difficult in the background (sorting stuff out like permissions etc, and also extra clicks for moderating) and I think is a bit unnecessary in this case. I'm thinking that it may be just that we worded the forum descriptor wrong and gave the section - as you said - too much of an elitist slant.

Saying all that, though. No one else has contacted us to submit a project to that area. The aim was just to have a projects area that wasn't basically just people changing one or two small things on their car and leave it as that. We were hoping it'd be an area that'd have one thread per project car that's in there (as opposed to multiple threads per car - so that all the info is kept in one place) and that the projects would inspire and inform (teach) other members.

I've often considered my cars as being project cars, but haven't submitted them there yet purely as I've not had time to compile the information for them... But I'm on a limited budget and have done most of my stuff outside the house...

Handsome Rob
21st May 2009, 06:07 PM
What about someone who's as average as myself? Okay, I've got a car and don't have any big/expensive/radical plans for it, but it's an ongoing project with no set aims or agenda?

For example, something like this: http://www.mk3oc.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=136 ?
If it was mine, I'd have today's entry as being 'fixed leaky washer bottle ... pic, fixed bonnet and can now open it, fitted aero wipers... pic' etc.

Why not (as a suggestion) incorporate 'Monster Projects' as a sub-forum within something titled such as 'Owner's Diaries,' 'Ongoing Projects' or similar? Or just keep them all in one.

I think the rationale behind my argument is that it makes MR2Mk1Club members feel proud to talk about their cars, show off pictures, show what they proudly picked up at the scrappy for £5 and managed to make fit, etc etc. From then it's beneficial to everyone - promotes sharing of information, promotes the social aspects, etc.

As a prime example - when I used to run the Mk3OC (as linked above) most of the regular members knew who each other were, and also what cars they had, what they were like etc. This then dominoed on to new membrs wanting to join in and show their cars off. As a comparison - Max - Aside from a Mk1 MR2, I havn't got a clue what your car is like! Nor any other member.

21st May 2009, 06:23 PM
I stated before that I wanted to 'show off' the work I've been doing on my car and that I was interested in seeing other members' car. I was told that this already happens in the "Introductions" section.

I see very few pictures in there! Normally people join and post one or two lines to say hello. I also find that nobody seems to look in there.

My opinion :)

Handsome Rob
21st May 2009, 06:27 PM
^ Totally agree... Surely introductions is for new members to come and say hello - not existing members to post up pictures of the welding they did over the weekend?

pistol pete
26th May 2009, 06:37 PM
just my 2p's here

but i have recently done a lot of work on my mk1 and about to attempt my first engine change

now i wonder if it should go in moster projects???

but other than that i would nto know where to put it as introductions area is well introductions...
and its not really a club descussion and its not really mechanical cos that asking Q's

can i have a moster project post please as i have done loads and would love to preoperly post it rather than bits here and there.
then i can put my a-b engine change in it


26th May 2009, 10:49 PM
Cheers Pete. We are discussing changing it slightly but at the moment I'm focusing on sorting out the new moderators. This is difficult as my online time at Uni is currently limited and I have internet problems at home so doing forum stuff is really tricky.
We're going to open up the area a bit more though. I just need to work out the wording etc.

The instructions in the sticky in the area say anyone interested in putting a project there should PM either myself or one of the other mods. They (or I) would then give you instructions on getting your project thread in there.
I'll PM you tomorrow when I can access my PMs again (without getting logged out).

pistol pete
27th May 2009, 07:18 AM
thats no problems i am sure everyone on here understands everyone has a life buddy
:+: :+:

good luck with uni

pistol pete
27th May 2009, 09:14 AM
looks like my car is gonna be a monster project now

will be a complete rebuild whole car i think

viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1538 (http://www.mr2mk1club.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1538)