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View Full Version : Changing to DST

29th March 2009, 07:58 PM
Due to a quirk in the forum software, current members are not automagically switched over to Daylight Savings Time. If you are really getting bothered by the forum being an hour behind all the time, I'm afraid you'll have to change the setting yourself in your user control panel. Instructions below.
New users are automatically put onto DST.

Note: When October comes around and we need to go back again, just follow these instructions again and select No instead of Yes... ;)

You can confirm whether you're on DST or not by looking at the board index page. Up the top it shows the current date and time (green arrow in the first picture). If it doesn't say DST here, you're not on the DST setting.
So, to turn on DST... First, go to your User Control Panel. Link is at the top of each page. Blue arrow in this first picture:


Once in your Control Panel, to the left is an Options panel. Click on "Board Preferences" (highlighted by the green arrow):


Change the setting for DST being in effect:


Push "submit" down the bottom:


And you're done! Now your time & date on the board index should show that the DST applies:


Those of you who are using a different style for the forum (the black one) may have slightly different wording & location of links. Let me know if you get stuck...