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View Full Version : Hi everyone...

14th March 2009, 09:21 AM
I'm new here and just wanted to say hi!

I've put a deposit down on a 1989 Mk.1 that appears to be in good condition - thanks to your buyers guide I knew what to look for!

Hopefully picking it up sometime in the coming week, and am really looking forward to using it!

I'm based just outside of Chippenham so - fingers crossed for a 'dad signoff' on the car (you know - he's just helping out! ;) ) there'll be another red one in the Wilts/Bristol area!



15th March 2009, 09:56 AM
Lol I know all about the 'dad signoff'... funnily enpugh my two is the only car I bought without him seeing and it's been the most reliable car I've had to date :shh:

Hope all goes well, and get some pics up when you get the car :+:

Oh, and welcome to the club 8-)

15th March 2009, 06:22 PM
Cheers chap! will do!

16th March 2009, 11:57 AM
Hiya and welcome to the club :+:

post up pics of your car here when you get chance (800 pixels max)