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View Full Version : Technical Section

The Silver Fox
9th February 2009, 03:02 PM
Trying to look at an item in the technical section and it says I need to be logged in - which I was. It then doesnt recognise by user name and password.


9th February 2009, 03:19 PM
Hi Douglas.
I've just checked your user settings and there's no reason why this should be happening...
What happens if you click this link to the mechanical section (http://www.amactive.net/_forums/mr2mk1club/viewforum.php?f=24) and this link direct to one of the posts? (http://www.amactive.net/_forums/mr2mk1club/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=398)


9th February 2009, 07:21 PM
:( Max i am having the same problem cant access the technical section , asks for login and password then says it does not recognise these, tried login onto the links above and no problems there.

The Silver Fox
10th February 2009, 03:13 PM
Its not the technical forum thats the problem. Its the technical area link from the home page.


10th February 2009, 10:35 PM
Its not the technical forum thats the problem. Its the technical area link from the home page.

Ah right - in which case it's out of my hands (I'm just doing the forum side of things as that's pretty much a big job in itself!). As far as I know, that section has not yet been implemented fully... Bear in mind, there's still loads going on in the background on the site & forum which takes time to get sorted... ;)

Bill, is it the same for you or are you having issues with the technical area on the forum?

10th February 2009, 11:00 PM
I can't get into the website tech section either - I emailed wayne about it a little while ago though and he said pretty much the same thing, that it's still in the pipeline :+:

11th February 2009, 07:29 PM
Its not the technical forum thats the problem. Its the technical area link from the home page.

Ah right - in which case it's out of my hands (I'm just doing the forum side of things as that's pretty much a big job in itself!). As far as I know, that section has not yet been implemented fully... Bear in mind, there's still loads going on in the background on the site & forum which takes time to get sorted... ;)

Bill, is it the same for you or are you having issues with the technical area on the forum?
Max I can get into the Technical area but can't Access anything on it when you click on the refurb slave cylinder it asks me to sign in and password, even when i am already signed in.then if you do sign in again it does not recognise user name and password. Is this because its not up and running yet.

11th February 2009, 07:45 PM
Max I can get into the Technical area but can't Access anything on it when you click on the refurb slave cylinder it asks me to sign in and password, even when i am already signed in.then if you do sign in again it does not recognise user name and password. Is this because its not up and running yet.

Yup. :+:
We definitely haven't tied in the forum & web usernames and passwords yet. An announcement will be made when these go live.
Thanks Bill!


12th February 2009, 07:15 PM
:+: Okay doaky max will keep an eye out for the announcement :+: