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View Full Version : 8th February meeting

bill hulme
3rd February 2009, 12:14 PM
Hi all, this meeting is for all mk1 owners to attend members and none members all are welcome. bill. :+:

4th February 2009, 09:53 AM
Should be able to make this one.


4th February 2009, 12:31 PM
Hi Bill et al,

For the first time in ages I can't make a meet. I have been booked by my events organiser for an alternative event - apparently refusal is not an option since it is my family that is involved and not hers!

See ya all in March,

p.s. folks - don't forget the run to the Lakes in March. This is the first run in a while and is a good opportunity to meet up with some of your NE brethren.

4th February 2009, 01:19 PM
Don't forget the run to the Lakes in March.
This is the first run in a while and is a good opportunity to meet up with some of your NE brethren.

You going Jon?
Hadn`t noticed your name on either thread.
Dave (me)


4th February 2009, 01:39 PM
Don't forget the run to the Lakes in March.
This is the first run in a while and is a good opportunity to meet up with some of your NE brethren.

You going Jon?
Hadn`t noticed your name on either thread.
Dave (me)

TBH Dave, I don't know. I want to go but may not be able. It will be a last minute decision to join if I can. My wife is 7 1/2 months pregnant and I have a house that is only 90% ready for the impending arrival. I finished plasterboarding at 1am this morning, the plasterer is in as I write and I have to leave time for the plaster to harden properly before sizing and painting. If it were just the nursery then time would not be a great factor as I could have it all out of the way before he/she arrives however, there is the hall, the stairs, the upstairs landing, and the nursery - that is walls and ceiling. Then there is the floor to lay from the front door to the backdoor, the skirting boards to cut, fit and paint, the door surrounds to complete - each one individually tailored to the opening since this is a 1930's house and nothing is square or the same size. I'm looking forward to the baby arriving - just for the rest!

So - if I can join the run I will!


4th February 2009, 08:17 PM
TBH Dave, I don't know. I want to go but may not be able. It will be a last minute decision to join if I can. My wife is 7 1/2 months pregnant and I have a house that is only 90% ready for the impending arrival. I finished plasterboarding at 1am this morning, the plasterer is in as I write and I have to leave time for the plaster to harden properly before sizing and painting. If it were just the nursery then time would not be a great factor as I could have it all out of the way before he/she arrives however, there is the hall, the stairs, the upstairs landing, and the nursery - that is walls and ceiling. Then there is the floor to lay from the front door to the backdoor, the skirting boards to cut, fit and paint, the door surrounds to complete - each one individually tailored to the opening since this is a 1930's house and nothing is square or the same size. I'm looking forward to the baby arriving - just for the rest!

So - if I can join the run I will!


Sounds like you`ve got lots on your plate Jon,
Will keep my fingers crossed for you


John Redmond
4th February 2009, 08:24 PM
I sent out an email to everybody on my old North West mailing list tonight, so I'm hoping for some responses!
If you didn't get one, and you think you should of, drop me a line and I'll see you are added to the mailing list.
I hope to be there sans Mk1, but by Honda power.... sorry :oops:


John Redmond
8th February 2009, 07:33 PM
Three Mk1's and four attendees, I was the one who 'chickened out' and came in my daily driver..
Bill Hulme, Stuart Cammeron and Dave Bates were the others.
