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View Full Version : World record attempt (version 2) Silverstone, 31st May

6th January 2009, 07:50 AM
Incase you haven't seen it, the discussion is across MR2oc, ROC and IMOC.

I very much doubt the organisors will come on here, so your best bet is to register interest on MR2oc or IMOC

linky click me (http://www.mr2oc.co.uk/ForumsPro/viewtopic/t=72026.html)

linky click me (http://www.imoc.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=109994)

6th January 2009, 10:59 AM
The dates chosen clash with the Tatton Park show which is a shame as I really enjoyed the first WRA at Rockingham :(

Tony Jinxy Froude
7th January 2009, 06:19 PM
Tim, can i just ask why you think the organisers wont come on here ?, has something been said to them about this site ? or is that an assumption as its a new website ?, cheers jinx

7th January 2009, 07:22 PM
Tim, can i just ask why you think the organisers wont come on here ?, has something been said to them about this site ? or is that an assumption as its a new website ?, cheers jinx

I would guess it is probably because they are MK2 and MK3 people, nothing sinister. It is a bit like the MK1 section on IMOC many people never strayed out of it :)

I personally never look at the MK2 sections on forums as I have no interest in the probe, and as I am rubbish at cutting hair I avoid the MK3 sections :lol:

7th January 2009, 08:02 PM
Tim, can i just ask why you think the organisers wont come on here ?, has something been said to them about this site ? or is that an assumption as its a new website ?, cheers jinx

I would guess it is probably because they are MK2 and MK3 people, nothing sinister. It is a bit like the MK1 section on IMOC many people never strayed out of it :)

I personally never look at the MK2 sections on forums as I have no interest in the probe, and as I am rubbish at cutting hair I avoid the MK3 sections :lol:

Tony you need to stop the paranoia.

Coverco has it down to a T, they are mk2 people really and to be honest ALL of the organising is done on the oc forum anyway, its only members who cross post it to bring it to the attention of the other clubs (like I have here)

And I guess nobody has told them about this forum, so they probably dont even know it exists http://www.imoc.co.uk/forums/images/smiles/eusa_whistle.gif

Tony Jinxy Froude
7th January 2009, 10:24 PM
No paranoia Tim :mrgreen: Just protective of the site mate, as we all are 8-)

8th January 2009, 03:05 AM
And I guess nobody has told them about this forum, so they probably dont even know it exists http://www.mr2mk1club.com/
:lol: We know it exists, what's more there are MK1 people there as well you know ;)

8th January 2009, 10:34 AM
The organisers want ot keep on elist of interested parties and this is on the OC link 8-)

10th January 2009, 04:20 PM
I would go , Silverstone is just up the road from me so no excuse not to I guess ,Unless im working :lol:

20th January 2009, 09:43 PM
As the Mk1s are the original MR2 shouldnt the Mk1s be at the front? :problem:

22nd April 2009, 08:03 PM
Have put Jinx's and I on IMOC list, would be silly not to go if we can, a little bit of history and all that :+:

26th April 2009, 12:31 PM
Payment details are up, for those interested,



26th April 2009, 06:57 PM
I think Mic, Topgun, is organising it and he is one of the nicest people you could ever wish to meet.
He isn't an easily offended-grudge holding kind of guy. He just hasn't made it here for what ever reason, that's all I'm sure.

26th April 2009, 10:39 PM
Incase you haven't seen it, the discussion is across MR2oc, ROC and IMOC.

I very much doubt the organisors will come on here, so your best bet is to register interest on MR2oc or IMOC

linky click me (http://www.mr2oc.co.uk/ForumsPro/viewtopic/t=72026.html)

linky click me (http://www.imoc.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=109994)

Tim, the date at the top states its the 22nd of August, but everything I have seen says its the 31st of May. Am I wrong or missing something.

27th April 2009, 09:09 AM
updated :+:

1st May 2009, 06:48 PM
if i can get my mk1 up and running in time i am defintely coming. It will be my first time out in the car so looking forward to it and seeing other cars and their owners.

i do have an alterior motive however. Is anybody who is going in a position to have a look at my car and give me a second opinion?

i am new to cars and mk1s and want to make sure my car is going to be worth the effort. there is some rust underneath which looks a bit scary.

cheers and hopefully see you there. will add my name for sure when i know for sure.

2nd May 2009, 08:32 PM
if i can get my mk1 up and running in time i am defintely coming. It will be my first time out in the car so looking forward to it and seeing other cars and their owners.

i do have an alterior motive however. Is anybody who is going in a position to have a look at my car and give me a second opinion?

i am new to cars and mk1s and want to make sure my car is going to be worth the effort. there is some rust underneath which looks a bit scary.

cheers and hopefully see you there. will add my name for sure when i know for sure.


If you do end up going, I'm just over from the River Crossing from you so we could go from the Thurrock Services maybe?

3rd May 2009, 09:42 AM
hi blue sounds like a plan. I am all paid up and the car is on the road.

5th May 2009, 04:50 PM
If there's anyone from the West Midlands attending, then I'm meeting at Corley Services J3/4 M6 Southbound at 8am on the Sunday morning. If anyone would like to join you're more than welcome!

old petrolhead
5th May 2009, 04:57 PM
You can count me in as well Silverstone is 30mins away. :clap:

9th May 2009, 10:57 AM
Just a quick one.

I have read a post on the 'OC this morning about having to be on site by 9 am and it sounds like you may have to stay there until 6 pm. I'm not sure how accurate this is, but if its going to effect you it may be worth finding out.
The early start has counted me out :(

Joy Toy Boy
11th May 2009, 09:55 PM
Paid me money! Tickets in the post! Can`t wait!
Little bit of history in the making.......hopefully :+:
I`m leaving about 6.45-7.00am Jct 25 M1 Derby/Notts if anyone fancies meeting up :wave:
Cheers, Neil.

12th May 2009, 10:47 AM
The early start has counted me out :(

Hint: Many of the attendees were late for the last one - particularly as there was a mega-long queue to get in... ;)

12th May 2009, 11:06 AM
Wish I could be there for such an event - sadly I'll be on holiday for a week :D

Joy Toy Boy
12th May 2009, 03:48 PM
Don`t know how many of you guys (and gals) are going to this event,but
we do all know we have to be on site by 9.00am don`t we? :think:
I fear this could be a bit of an issue as I don`t think it`s been widely
publisied enough over all the MR2 clubs websites :|

Just don`t want people from this club arriving there at 10.00am and being
told by some jobsworth "Sorry mate, your too late!" :o :cry: :sick:

Maybe I`m worrying too much,but better we all know now and not on the day!

Cheers Neil

12th May 2009, 09:57 PM
Hi Guys Steve SPudgun got in touch with me to ask why the MK1 club wasn't invited,well actually i sent an email to one of your Admins but never got a reply,which at the time thought you were not intrested in taking part,just glad that some of you have brought tickets.A quick up date at present we have 115 names down which was confirmed this afternoon.Everyone needs to be in the gates by 9.00am,dont forget to bring and fill out the indemnity document which will be sent with your tickets.We will all need to sign in on the day at 10.30 with a briefing at 11.30 in the International Media Suite.All drivers will need to pay in advance which i manged to knock them down to £5 for driver and £10 for the passenger.If you decide to bring a passenger on the day you can pay at the gates.So everyone make this a memorable day and get buying those tickets,we only need another 48 to make this happen.

16th May 2009, 11:18 PM
Bit of a bump on this.

I may go along, but I will probably have to go on my owndue to the super early start.

17th May 2009, 09:46 AM
I really would have liked to have gone on this as the first one was a great day out, but unfortunately Tatton is on at the same time. There will be 20-30 MR2's there on the MK1 stand and the drivers club stand which is a shame as they could have made the difference to the record attempt :(

19th May 2009, 09:09 AM
Paid up and going :+: :clap: :clap: :clap:

21st May 2009, 06:09 PM
So far we have sold 174 tickets so we are on to break the current record of 162 :clap:

21st May 2009, 06:33 PM
The info on mr2oc also says that a full driving licence has to be presented on registration too - both parts if you have the new type.

24th May 2009, 12:37 PM
Hi All

Havent been on here for a while - we're taking my red one (paid for her to have a hand wash today as she was filthy) and both of us are going. Next Saturday I'll be giving her another wash too.

Sloopeh & other SE peeps....there is a convoy from South Mimms Services on Sunday morning, get there for 6.30am to leave at 7am prompt. We're junction 30/31 of the M25 so are heading to South Mimms to meet up with others - it takes 45 mins to get from here to South Mimms incase it helps anyone to work out times.

24th May 2009, 02:19 PM
ok blue might see you at south mimms, andy anyone else...

old petrolhead
24th May 2009, 03:16 PM
Just a point to Blue84. The 31st is a Sunday!! :D

Joy Toy Boy
25th May 2009, 12:41 PM
To all who are going to this WRA, have you all seen and printed off the "Guinness WR participants form" from the MR2OC site (under World record attempt/ WRA Checklist). Apparently it needs to be filled in `thou there is supposed to be some spares knocking around at the event. 194 cars going so far! :D . Lets hope we can pull this off :roll: :+:

26th May 2009, 08:59 AM
You can print your forms of from here we have also made up a check list of what to bring and do on the day http://mr2oc.co.uk/ForumsPro/viewtopic/t=118302.html.
Should have the final tickets sold Thurs a rough count its now over the 200 mark. :clap:

26th May 2009, 09:06 AM
copied the checklist here:



1) Drivers Licence.
New Style - bring your card (required) AND your paper section if you can find it.
Old Style - Paper section required (obviously)

2) Silverstone Tickets.
This consists of:
Green Wristband (sent out with the tickets)
Yellow Vehicle Pass (with registration no completed)
Activity Registration Form (completed)

3) Guinness World Record Participants form
(download and print off the attachment of this thread)
This needs to be completed and returned to one of the WRA organisers on the day. These will be submitted to Guiness for the final number of MR2's in the cavalcade so this bit is IMPORTANT!!!!

4) Circuit Manual.
Read the Silverstone Circuit Driving Manual carefully. Although we are not racing, we will still have to abide by these rules as part of their public liabilty insurance.

5) The cavalcade on the day.
This will be a rolling convoy around the track at NO MORE than 2 cars lengths between you and the person you are following. This will be undertaken at ~20mph. It is NOT a chance for you to put your foot down around Silverstone, it WILL be a little boring and uneventful as far as track driving is concerned, but we are here to break a record - not have tracktime.


This is the timetable for the day:

You must arrive by 9:30am at silverstone with your yellow vehicle pass displayed or you will not be allowed entry. I suggest you aim to get to the circuit between 8 & 9 am. You will then be directed to the MR2 holding area.

Sign On
Sign on will be at 10:30, so please be by all your cars at 10:15 in the MR2 holding area.

Briefing will be at 11:30, so again, make sure you are by your cars at 11:15. We will all have to be briefed about the cavalcade and the route that the cars have to take, so make sure you are by your cars still at this time.

Entrance to the track
We will be moved to the track at 12:15 in preparation for the cavalcade - if you aren't with us by this point - get a seat in the stands!

World Record Attempt Cavalcade
This will start at 13:20. Get your friends ready to video this at this time. 20mph limit must be adhered to and stay within 2 car lengths of the person in front of you.

If we've done all of the above by this point, we can all park up and have a chat about being in the book of Guiness World Records


One thing that was lacking last time was communication!!. This year, we have several volunteers that will have copy forms for you to fill in (if you forgot to fill them in - and you will be shamed if you do!) and will be wearing hi-viz vests at the MR2 holding area before the briefing. Please approach us if you have any questions or need help.

For those of you with walkie talkies, we will all be on channel 2

If anyone is unsure what they have to do on the day - please come and find one of the MR2 WRA organisers wearing a high-viz vest (not any old silverstone staff) or ask someone to point you in the direction of us.

So - to summarise,

Make sure you bring:

1) Driving License
2) Green Wristband
3) Yellow Vehicle Pass
4) Silverstone activity registration form
5) GWR participants form (HANDED IN TO A WRA ORGANISER!!)

Remember those 5 things and we're on to a winner

Hope to see you all there

HM & The WRA Team

Pam - MR2 Only
26th May 2009, 09:52 AM
Thanks we were getting some new PR stickers made up to give away, and it occurred to us that it would be nice to make some of them commemorative to the WRA2 to give away.

We have had some commemorative stickers printed to give away to those paticipating in the WRA2 on Sunday at Silverstone.

All you need to do is come and find us before or after the event at Silverstone, you won't miss us, theres two Silver Roadsters and a Black Mk2, all with the MR2 Only Magazine logo on the bonnet, we will also have a few back issues and the current issue available at discounted prices.


See you all there

The MR2 Only Team

26th May 2009, 10:01 AM
To view our sticker http://www.mr2oc.co.uk/ForumsPro/viewtopic/t=118336/finish=15/start=0.html
Pam - the pic link in the oc thread isn't working. great promo idea though :+:

edit: glad you got the above image of the sticker sorted. looks :+:

27th May 2009, 11:05 AM
Just had it confirmed there will be 231 cars on track :yh:

28th May 2009, 09:04 PM
To all who are going to this WRA, have you all seen and printed off the "Guinness WR participants form" from the MR2OC site (under World record attempt/ WRA Checklist). Apparently it needs to be filled in `thou there is supposed to be some spares knocking around at the event. 194 cars going so far! :D . Lets hope we can pull this off :roll: :+:

Yep got everything ready - we've both filled in the form that came with the wristbands, done the WR participants form each (just to be on the safe side incase one of us doesn't fancy driving), filled in the yellow form with the cars reg, put some blu-tack in (to attach it to the windscreen with) and put the paper bit of my driving license in the folder I've stuck everything in.

Left to do is: check the car over on Saturday - engine levels/tyre pressures etc, charge the Sat-Nav and get some matchsticks for propping the eyes open with having to get up at 5am to get ready and get to South Mimms for 6.30! (last point is a joke by the way :lol:)

1st June 2009, 09:20 AM

Just a shame we couldnt get all the Mk1s together as ther was about the same number of Mk3s and it wouldnt have taken that much organising to do If we had let all the Mk2s sort them selves out as they had let them go first and then the mk1s and 3s follow shame really but never mind :+:

Anyone know the final Number? I heard 208 being banded round?

My Photos.

Only Black Mk1 There

My Fav Pic

I have A Shed Load More but unfortunately they all Feature a CrocadillaPigaPotamus Ugly Pigfaced Kill it With Fire Type Creature leaning out of a Black Mk2 :problem:

Seriously If i photoshopped a Rhino into the passenger seat it would look better :evil:

1st June 2009, 10:03 AM
great pics - was hoping someone would post some up :+:
Agree, shame that they were not segregated into marques

1st June 2009, 10:17 AM
I have A Shed Load More but unfortunately they all Feature a CrocadillaPigaPotamus Ugly Pigfaced Kill it With Fire Type Creature


I'll post up a selection of my photos later today. I'm popping home for lunch so will bring the camera back to Uni with me and sort through them. There's a couple of good ones!

1st June 2009, 10:25 AM
I still need to get that one of you Reflection hunting off of the cameras internal memory

Pam - MR2 Only
1st June 2009, 10:34 AM

One of the official videos taken by us is now up on You Tube

www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oEnYpX6Ytk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oEnYpX6Ytk)

If that link doesn't work (as you can see I don't know what Im doing) if you do a search for it Im sure you will find it -

If anyone is good at counting fingers, toes or calculator we'e not bothered and would like to send us in how many they can count going through we would like confirmation from that video before we send in the figures to Guinness. (We do have the figures here but is would be nice if people agree with our figures) If you can send how many you count to me at info.mr2only @ ntlworld.com or PM me that would be great

Brilliant Day - and wouldn't have missed it for the world. Issue 16 out next week with the write up and pictures of yourself of course

MR2 Only Mag

1st June 2009, 10:52 AM
Way cool! I bet that was some day out.

pistol pete
1st June 2009, 11:54 AM
wish i was there but too busy playing with my new mk1

1st June 2009, 10:59 PM
Good to speak to you yesterday Pam 8-)

There's another link on You Tube which might make counting easier too:


Pam - MR2 Only
1st June 2009, 11:07 PM
Hiya Rhon,

Yes lovely to meet you - we'll take a look at that - anything that helps if a bonus - our own footage it on there 4 videos now - I'm learning ;) slowley


1st June 2009, 11:21 PM
Have noticed a few links going up on the forums but that one I've put up I think is the easiest to count. Soooooooooooo if anyone suffers with insomnia................ this is your task tonight!

2nd June 2009, 08:17 AM
Good to speak to you yesterday Pam 8-)

There's another link on You Tube which might make counting easier too:


I counted 223.

Looked like a great day out!



Pam - MR2 Only
2nd June 2009, 08:21 AM
Good to speak to you yesterday Pam 8-)

There's another link on You Tube which might make counting easier too:


I counted 223.

Looked like a great day out!



Thank you thank you thank you,


2nd June 2009, 04:22 PM
I counted 223 at lunchtime too :D

2nd June 2009, 10:40 PM
Who was the driver on the front row in the mk1 next to Topgun who had the prang? I was behind you in the cavalcade :D

3rd June 2009, 06:26 PM
Who was the driver on the front row in the mk1 next to Topgun who had the prang? I was behind you in the cavalcade :D

Was chatting to him didn't catch his name where did he prang his car.

Joy Toy Boy
3rd June 2009, 08:20 PM
If I`ve done this right, here are a few photos of the day,


If your a glutten for punishment there are more photos here,
PM me if you want any Hi res, Neil.


3rd June 2009, 09:27 PM
He was caught up on one of the roundabouts with the renault on the way there. Think there were 5 cars involved in total but everyone was ok :)

4th June 2009, 10:53 AM

Look at that segregation Is it because I is black ;)

6th June 2009, 03:48 PM
Almost a week later (I know!! I've been busy... ;) ) here're my photos:

http://s601.photobucket.com/albums/tt92 ... =slideshow (http://s601.photobucket.com/albums/tt92/monkeymax/WRA2/?albumview=slideshow)

Some highlights:

Most of the Mk1s

Ben (Tiny) giving his car a quick wipe... :lol:

Jinxy's Motah





Train horns in a Mk2!

This, inside this:


Then I went and watched some drift action with Tiny...


Was a great day out - really enjoyed it! :) :+:

Pam - MR2 Only
6th June 2009, 03:57 PM
Really wonderful day and lovely to meet so many of you - if you didn't get your FREE sticker from us on the day as appears above - Thanks Max - when you order Issue 16 if you let me know I can put yours inside it - either PM me or email info.mr2only@ntlworld.com

When's the next one ;)

www.mr2only.com (http://www.mr2only.com)

6th June 2009, 03:59 PM

Autojumble hat FTW! :lol:

Looks like it was an awesome day out. Wish I could have been there :(

4th July 2009, 08:17 AM
bit late i know- here's some pics

http://www.flickr.com/photos/sloopeh/se ... 934145208/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/sloopeh/sets/72157620934145208/)

29th September 2010, 09:42 AM
For all you peeps that attended this, at long last the record has been ratified by Guinness World Records :clap: :clap:


Thank you for your email.

We apologise for the delayed response.

Due to an administration error, your sent evidence was never logged as "received" in our system.

I have located the documents and approved your claim just now.

This is to confirm that you have set the new Guinness World Record for Largest parade of Toyota cars.

A certificate to commemorate this has been sent out to your address and should arrive shortly.

Congratulations to your achievement!

Yours sincerely,

Kristian Teufel
Guinness World Records
The OC thread on this is here http://www.mr2oc.co.uk/forums/10/138528.html


29th September 2010, 01:34 PM
Just seen Jimi has posted this asell
Well after getting fobbed of by GWR i constantly sent emails to various departments about the confirmationof of our previous world record attempt low and behold recieved this email today


Thank you for your email.

We apologise for the delayed response.

Due to an administration error, your sent evidence was never logged as "received" in our system.

I have located the documents and approved your claim just now.

This is to confirm that you have set the new Guinness World Record for Largest parade of Toyota cars.

A certificate to commemorate this has been sent out to your address and should arrive shortly.

Congratulations to your achievement!

Yours sincerely,

Kristian Teufel
Guinness World Records

To say i am over the moon is an understatment,also a big thanks to my merry men of helpers Gaz.Kiz and Chris will be having quite a few beers at Jap Finale to celebrate this achievement.

29th September 2010, 01:53 PM
To add to my recent post just to say thanks to everyone that turned up to make this day possible,can't believe the small minorty of idiots on different forums who have posted in such a negative way,if we didn't get the record it will be a day i will not forget.Anyone for WRA3 will be bigger and better for sure :+:

29th September 2010, 03:12 PM

Well done Mick and everyone else. I am not sure what people can say to be negative. Ignore them.

I wasn't there on the day (It was the day after my 40th birthday party and I would have had to be up at 6am to get there on time, not going to happen and would have been over the limit anyway) but fully supported the idea and would definitely try to attend next time.

Hope to get to Santa Pod but not sure about camping yet....

30th September 2010, 11:39 AM
I went to this and I must say it was one of the best events I've attended!!

Bonus as JTS was also on aswell!

I thoroughly enjoyed myself, apart from melting in the shear heat waiting to go on track, but I'd be well up for RA3 :D

30th September 2010, 08:38 PM
Glad you lot enjoyed it, will never forget that day in a hurry,was running around like a headless chicken trying to organise things it payed of in the end.Even if we didn't get the record it was a true experience with all MR2s in one place going around the Silverstone track.Now when shall i do WRA3 lol