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View Full Version : post notification

Tony Jinxy Froude
4th January 2009, 01:11 AM
Just wondered if the default could be that the box beneath each post be ticked so that you receive notification of a new post, rather than to remember to tick the box which i seem to do, DOH !! :lol:

4th January 2009, 01:33 AM
It's not possible without a hack into the code (which I'm trying to avoid).

Besides which, most people don't tend to do that for every thread - plus if people forget to deactivate this when they read a post (which is likely given as this is off as default on pretty much all forums) then they'll be getting notifications for everything.

Too many notifications emailed out means lots of traffic on the server as it's constantly sending out emails. This'll slow down the forum, add up in internet bandwidth and ultimately costs...

So, I'm afraid not. Sorry.

Tony Jinxy Froude
4th January 2009, 04:48 PM
No probs max, as i say i have no idea of how websites work anyway, hence dont know what work is involved with such things, cheers mate, Jinx

5th January 2009, 01:48 PM
Right, I made a mistake earlier and was looking in the wrong place for this option.

It is actually there, I just missed it.

Go to your user control panel (link at the top of each page)
On the left is an options panel. Click on "Board Preferences".
Now click on "Edit posting defaults" - also in the options panel.
In the main area is an option "Notify me upon replies by default:"
Click the Yes radio button then push submit. Job done.

Hope that helps! :)

6th January 2009, 07:47 PM
A somewhat easier way to do this and avoid loads of emails is to simply click on 'view your posts' on the top right of the forum, then it takes you to the list of threads that you have been active in. It's the way I tend to do it.