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View Full Version : BIG Apple Tour - 4th - 6th September 2009

AW11 Forever
3rd January 2009, 06:53 PM
FULLY BOOKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a trip NOT to be missed, it's the best UK based run we do.

Please read through the thread to get all he information on this superb trip to Scotland, Ullapool, Skye and Applecross ( the return )

3rd January 2009, 10:04 PM
You know still not sure about Applecross :roll: , been there, done that!!!! :lol:

Sorry Mike :oops: Couldn't resist a dig!!!

AW11 Forever
3rd January 2009, 10:18 PM
Thats not funny!

Tony Jinxy Froude
4th January 2009, 01:16 AM
Thats not funny!
Yeah it is :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

4th January 2009, 10:29 PM
U know I'm gonna be there!!!!!

Tony Jinxy Froude
4th January 2009, 10:50 PM
U know I'm gonna be there!!!!!

FANSTASTIC MATE !!!!!!!!! i knew you couldnt resist Pete, great to see you here too, now get that S/C sorted son !, Jinxy

5th January 2009, 10:10 AM
How long does this trip normally last? is it a long weekend job?

If so it would fit in nicely with my plans I posted about a a couple of nights ago.

If this is the case, and we will be using B&B's or hotels (no camping, I'm a soft git like that) then you can almost count me in as a definite already. A few ifs and buts but more than likely than not.



Tony Jinxy Froude
5th January 2009, 10:57 AM
Hi Steve, its gotta be done mate, one of the best organised trips in the club this one !!, no camping, just guest houses & B+B's, contact Shane watt, he's the bloke who has all the answers to any questions you need to know, so hopefully see you there !!, Jinx

5th January 2009, 06:08 PM
Well done Mr Jinx.
How do I get hold Shane. Is he on here yet and if so a user please.

Cheers for now


Tony Jinxy Froude
5th January 2009, 06:16 PM
yep he's here Steve, under the username S.watt. see you in scottyland then :mrgreen: 8-) , Jinx

5th January 2009, 07:07 PM
Cheers Tony, I'm on it ;)

5th January 2009, 07:22 PM
I'll be on Skye this year!

5th January 2009, 07:30 PM
Having been in touch with Shane, it sounds like its exactly all I could hope for.

If you will let me play you can count me in.

AW11 Forever
5th January 2009, 08:32 PM
Lifes all about making decisions

This is your finest hour my friend!

Welcome on board, this is probably one of the best organised UK based MR2 trips

6th January 2009, 12:53 AM
I like how u said "finest UK based trip" Mike.

This trip is Awesome... but for a real treat, get yourself to Le mans too... the finest International based trip.


s a watt
6th January 2009, 07:25 PM
Details will be on soon so watch this space :lol:

AW11 Forever
7th January 2009, 06:31 PM
I like how u said "finest UK based trip" Mike.

well I wouldn't want to take away anything from that little trip we do to France in June!!

s a watt
17th January 2009, 06:34 PM
Keep your eyes on here as i almost have the route made up for 2009.

I am working on some maps and will be back on with the roads very shortly.

Looking like taking in Ullapool, Big Apple, Skye & Inverness. Also 2 Mountain peaks in the Cairngorms for some great view ( Dont worry we are not walking them).

Eating in Traditional Scottish Restaurants with a chance to sample some lovely seafood, Prime Scottish Beef or Venison and of course the wee furry Haggis.

We will of course make room for some refreshment of an evening in the local taverns and maybe even a look at some tourist shops for the girls ( Oh and Jinxy)

Will post all the details soon.


17th January 2009, 07:46 PM
:D :D :+: I am getting my self and May's name down for this again, have been on the last two and they were superb :+: see ya soon bud.

21st January 2009, 04:29 PM
Finally catching up on the Upcoming Events section and working my way through! :lol:

Looking like taking in Ullapool, Big Apple, Skye & Inverness. Also 2 Mountain peaks in the Cairngorms for some great view ( Dont worry we are not walking them).

:o Amazing...!

Unfortunately... I'm not sure I'll be able to make it at the moment. :( All being well with my Uni work (which is highly unlikely, but I'm allowed to dream, right?) I'll be finishing in October. I reckon that September time I'll be completely freaking out and not in a state to go away for a while. And if I end up not finishing in October, then I won't be able to afford the trip anyway as I'll need to save for my extended time at Uni... Soooo... lots of :-: :-: :-:

However, Sasha's probably still gonna come - I'm pushing her to do so regardless of my decision as that way if I decide something along the lines of "sod it" then I can still come... :lol: But she's just gotta find a co-driver in case I don't go, so as I said, don't really know at the moment...
Will keep you updated, of course. Definitely put down one car from my family coming, just doubt I'll be in it right now... :( :(

As Bill said, I've been the last two years and highly recommend this trip! They were superb! :+:

s a watt
25th January 2009, 04:53 PM
Hi to all

The Scotland trip is now official. The dates are as follows:-

Friday 4th, Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th September 2009.

For all those that wish we will also have a meal in Huntly on the Thursday 3rd September 2009.

A convoy will be coming North on Thursday 3rd September and picking up people en-route.

The trip this year is as follows:-

Day 1 - Friday

Leave Huntly, Aberdeenshire and follow the A97 through Rhynie and Lumsden to Mossat where we will continue through Glenkindie and join the A944 through Strathdon. At Corgarff we will join the A939 over the Lecht mountain range to Bridge of Brown and join the A95 at Spey Bridge. We will then cut onto the B970 upthrough Nethybridge and coylum Bridge to the Cairngorm Mountain Range and Loch Morlich where we will stop for lunch. We are then going down the A9 through Aviemore to Inverness over the Kessock Bridge to Tore. We will then join the A835 through the hills and glens to Ullapool, our first stopover.

We will arrange to have an evening meal and refreshments and enjoy the hospitality of this lovely fishing village on the west coast.

We will be staying in various B & Bs in Ullapool and cost will be just under £30 per person depending on where you choose.

Day 2 - Saturday

Leave Ullapool on the A835 and follow the A32 past the Falls of Measach, this will follow the breathtaking north-west coast of Scotland taking us through various small towns and villages to Gairloch. We will continue on the A832 to Kinlochewe where we will join the A896 to Shieldaig. We then take the coastal route through Kenmore, Fernmore, Callakille and onto Applecross where we will stop for a bite of lunch and banter at the Applecross Inn. In the afternoon we will travel the famous Applecross Pass which has some of the most breathtaking views at the peak. We will then rejoin the A896 through Loch Carron and Stromeferry down to Kyle of Lochalsh. Here we cross the Skye Bridge through beautiful mountains and glens on the A87 to our stopover in the Islands capital of Portree.

Here we will have our evening meal and refreshments and enjoy the local facilities of Portree. We may even manage to meet with some of the locals for a small ceilidh like last year.

Accommodation will be in B&Bs in Portree and will be approximately £30 per person.

Day 3 - Sunday

We will leave Portree and follow the A87 to Broadford where we will then take the road to Elgol. This is one of the best roads I have ever travelled with fantastic views and hills, mountains and glens to behold. We will then rejoin the A87 and follow this back past Loch Duich and the famouse Eilian Donan castle through the Five Sisters and onto the A887 to Invermoriston. We will then follow Loch Ness and the A82 to our last stopover in Inverness.

Evening meal will be enjoyed in the Snowgoose next to the recommended accommodation at the Travelodge.

If you have never been in Scotland this is likely to be some of the best scenery you will see in the Uk.

It is normally very popular and we do have to restrict the numbers to around 15 cars due to the geographical area, accommodation etc.

This has proved very popular over the last 2 years with many people returning for both years.

We have the following people already fully booked:-

Shane and Susan
Mark and Christina
Michael and Joanne
Jinxy and Debs
Bill and May
Andy & Crystal
Ali & Fran
Allan Welsh
Steve & Chan

These are all booked in so far.

People who have also said they will attend and are arranging accommodation are:-

Frogge & Celina
Pete Hartley
Starr family
Carl and Bev

If you wish to attend this trip please let us know and we can provide details of the various accommodations that we would suggest that you book for the trip.

We will provide details of meal stopovers etc shortly.

Look forward to seeing you in September.

Shane and Susan

25th January 2009, 08:35 PM
:) :) Shane and Susan you have done another great job with the route :+: The last two trips were superb and this one looks like its going to be even better :+:. There are Still a couple of places left, so if you want to drive the most scenic roads in the UK get onto this one You wont be disappointed.
:) :) :) Bill

25th January 2009, 08:44 PM
Oh Yes! We are definitely on this trip, so much so, it starts on the evening of Tuesday 1st September for us :D :D :D

With all our accomodation booked :+: !!!

Such a great trip, you really shouldn't miss it :crazy:

25th January 2009, 08:51 PM
Shane has been kind enough to keep me informed by email of whats going on, and were definately coming along. As soon we know what accomodation to book I will be doing so.

See you all there :+:

s a watt
26th January 2009, 09:27 AM
Steve i have emailed you re accomodation so get it booked up and you are now on the list.

Look forward to seeing yourself and Chan in September for a weekend of great roads and company, Good food and Beer and traditional scottish entertainment.

PS - Bring the kilt

s a watt
26th January 2009, 02:09 PM
Think i should post up a quick update as the numbers are growing quickly. Not much space left now

People Attending and Accomodation booked

Shane and Susan
Mark and Christina
Michael and Joanne
Jinxy and Debs
Bill and May
Andy & Crystal
Ali & Fran
Allan Welsh

People who have also said they will be attending and are arranging accommodation are:-

Frogge & Celina
Pete Hartley
Starr family
Carl and Bev
Fred & Doris
Steve & Chan


26th January 2009, 06:23 PM
Hillview is booked now as is the Travelodge.

Just two more to do :+:

26th January 2009, 06:50 PM
The other two are now booked as well :+:

See you all there :D

26th January 2009, 08:42 PM
I am booked on this aswell (TWIN with Pete Hartley!) What do we need to do to book rooms etc...?

s a watt
26th January 2009, 09:23 PM
Hi Wayne

I heard you were intending coming along

Nice to have you :+: and looking forward to meeting you.

I have sent you a PM with the accomodation you need to arrange.

Get this done sooner rather than later and give me a shout if you need anymore help with it.

Please let me know once you are all booked so i know where there is accomodation left etc


29th January 2009, 06:35 PM
Thanks for the message Shane. Pete is sorting out the arrangements!

s a watt
29th January 2009, 09:30 PM
Thats Great wayne let me know once you are fully booked and i will change you guys to fully booked.

Also let me know the accomodation you guys use so i can update my records

Hers is an updat as Gav & Partner are now fully booked

People Attending and Accomodation booked

Shane and Susan
Mark and Christina
Michael and Joanne
Jinxy and Debs
Bill and May
Andy & Crystal
Ali & Fran
Allan Welsh
Gav & Partner
Steve & Chan
Fred & Doris

People who have also said they will be attending and are arranging accommodation are:-

Frogge & Celina
Starr family
Mark (portgordon)



AW11 Forever
30th January 2009, 06:26 PM
WOW fully booked up, shows how popular this trip is, booked up 9 months before the event :o

Amazing :+:

Ok Shane are you taking booking now for 2010, please put me down :lol:

s a watt
31st January 2009, 06:37 PM

You are constantly on the scotland list, automatically every year until you advise otherwise.

Please note however we now have 1 space again at present.

Carl 'n' Bev are not sure if they can now make the trip and have asked that we withdraw their name at present. They may come along as a late addition however.

************ Room for 1 couple now **************

s a watt
5th February 2009, 11:14 AM
We are being joined by Gordon & Allison so they are taking the final slot. :+: Well done folks cant wait to catch up with you.

People Attending and Accomodation booked

Shane and Susan
Mark and Christina
Michael and Joanne
Jinxy and Debs
Bill and May
Andy & Crystal
Ali & Fran
Allan Welsh
Gav & Partner
Steve & Chan
Fred & Doris
Gordon & Allison

People who have also said they will be attending and are arranging accommodation are:-

Frogge & Celina
Starr family
Mark (portgordon)
Garry & Partner



s a watt
5th March 2009, 01:32 PM
Hi Folks

The trip is now full at present as you can see.

Things are well underway to being organised.

Susan and i will attent to a wee party for the people that can make it on the Thursday night.

We will also arrange the normal foods stops and events for the evening.

It seems a long way off but it will soon come round.

Any queries give us a shout

Shane & Susan

3rd May 2009, 07:13 PM
Hi Shane would like to catch up with you guys at some point or other, obviously not going on the trip itself but if I'm still working in Aberdeen in September I can certainly poke my nose in on the Thursday evening and say Hi. Hopefully can cross paths with the sassenachs again as they make their way North, I'll be heading South on the Friday.


s a watt
7th May 2009, 08:54 PM
Hi Alan

No problem, pop in on the Thursday evening if you are around. It would be good to catch up.


Tony Jinxy Froude
7th May 2009, 09:11 PM
Wahay the Mc Turf's are back !!! :clap: :+: :lol: didnt get thrown in jail then ? :mrgreen: , cant wait for this trip guys :+: see you soo. Shane you have a PM mate, Jinxy

s a watt
8th May 2009, 12:42 PM
Hi Jinxy

Nice to hear from you.

Yes we made it back from Cuba.

I have got the PM and i am on it for you.

Looking forward to this trip now.


s a watt
19th May 2009, 04:50 PM
Hi All

As Jinxy said yes we have made it safely back from Cuba after a great holiday and are now back to finalising the arrangements for the forthcoming trip in September.

The weather on the west coast has been pretty good so hopefully this will continue and we will have good weather for our trip in September.

We will be doing a recce of the trip next month so that everything is in order for the trip.

We will keep you all udpated on progress and look forward to seeing all of you again in September and also meeting any new members.

Shane and Susan

s a watt
20th June 2009, 06:26 PM
Hi folks

Its been a while since i have been on but i just thought i should post up an up to date list of everyone attending.

People Attending and Accomodation booked

Shane and Susan
Mark and Christina
Michael and Joanne
Jinxy and Debs
Bill and May
Andy & Crystal
Ali & Fran
Allan Welsh
Steve & Chan
Fred & Doris
Gordon & Allison
Frogge & Celina
Mark (portgordon)
Garry & Partner

As in years in the past i will arrange various little stop overs and places that we can all eat at night.

I think the seaforth is the place for supper in Ullapool for sure and possibly a nice beer in the ferry boat in prior to this. Great to look over the harbour and bay area when the sun is shining (fingers crossed)

We are staying one night in Portree.

For those that were there last year we ate at Marmalade one night and Portree hotel the second.

I think Portree hotel might have been a better location as its in the square. Any one got any preference as to which one we go to as i am easy.

Inverness has got to be the snow goose for supper as it is right next to the travel lodge, Does good meals and has a nice selection of beers :+:

Michael tells me its only 11 weeks away so see you all soon.

Shane & Susan

20th June 2009, 09:12 PM
:D Hi Shane The Seaforth is good for us as is the Portree hotel the food is good at these eating places :+: cant wait for this again, will give you a call a and arrange the visit to Strathmore auto extravaganza at Glamis on the 12th July

30th June 2009, 11:56 AM
:D Hi Shane The Seaforth is good for us as is the Portree hotel the food is good at these eating places :+: cant wait for this again,

Yep Seaforth and Portree good to go aswell

9 weeks today and our journey North begins, can't wait :clap: :clap:

Tony Jinxy Froude
30th June 2009, 12:02 PM
:lol: :lol: see your busy at work again Debs :+: :mrgreen:

30th June 2009, 03:03 PM
:lol: :lol: see your busy at work again Debs :+: :mrgreen:

Got to get my priorities in the right order :+: :lol: :lol:

30th June 2009, 11:14 PM
Really looking forward to it.

I just have to sort out one night in Kendal, on the way up, and we are in business.

s a watt
18th July 2009, 11:00 AM
I am arranging the meals at Ullapool and Portree this week so that get that done. We just arrive at Inverness so thats no problem.


19th July 2009, 01:01 AM
I am arranging the meals at Ullapool and Portree this week so that get that done. We just arrive at Inverness so thats no problem.


:+: :clap: :clap: :clap: And counting.....

22nd July 2009, 05:30 PM
I sorted out the last of our accomdation last night. It was harder than I though, but we got there in the end (lake district stop, on the way up)

A bit of a service and a once over next month and we will be there.

s a watt
23rd July 2009, 01:44 PM
Hi Folks

That the meals arrange for Friday at The seaforth in Ullapool and Saturday in the Portree Hotel.

These are both places we have eaten in before and they provide a good selection of Traditional food at good prices.

Sunday we have to book on the day but this has been ok before.

Meals are at 7.30 which should give us plenty of time to get settled into B & B after our day drive. Maybe even time for a swift one before supper :+:


23rd July 2009, 10:31 PM
Maybe even time for a swift one before supper :+:


OOOOO EEERRRRRR Missus :think: :lol: :lol: or 2........

s a watt
7th August 2009, 12:58 PM
Only 4 weeks to go :+:

AW11 Forever
7th August 2009, 03:55 PM

It will be here in a flash and we can't wait, certainly ( lemans aside ) this si the best MR2 experience on the circuit calendar, by far.

Im really looking forward to completing our unfinished business, ie Applecross !!

See you soon.

Michael & Jo

20th August 2009, 07:30 PM
I went through the car with a fine tooth comb on Tuesday night and were ready to go.

NEXT weekend the preparations begin, NEXT weekend.
:D :D :D :D

s a watt
20th August 2009, 07:52 PM
Glad to hear the car is all organised, Steve.

Looking forward to seeing you all shortly.

Shane and Susan

Tony Jinxy Froude
21st August 2009, 08:53 AM
My Mk1's always ready...... its you lot who keep them wrapped up in cotton wool who need to be careful :shifty: :lol: :mrgreen: :+: , Jinxy

21st August 2009, 11:27 AM
I am sooooooooooooo gutted I can't make this this year. :cry:
Things at Uni have (as I expected) come to a real head, so there's no way I could've made it. Was looking forward to seeing everyone again and catching up. Really really wanted to do Applecross too after last year's little incident... :(

Shane, would really like to speak to you at some point. let me know when you're free so I can give you a ring...? (I should still have your number)

s a watt
25th August 2009, 07:15 PM
Hi Folks

We are almost there now and susan and i are putting the final touches to things and trying to make sure everything runs like clockwork.

We have a small problem with our route on the first day as there is due to be a road closure just out of Huntly.

No fears though it just means we have to take a slightly different start to the day which adds about 10 miles to our run not a problem though as it just lets us drive another great road.

I am planning on leaving Huntly at 9.00am on the Friday. This is really due to the extra distance and the fact that it would be nice to get to Ullapool by around 4.00pm

So i would suggest that everyone makes sure the cars are full of fuel when we meet at Market Muir car park, Huntly (normal spot). It may be a good idea to arrive around 8.30 just so we can have the catch up and get left for 9.00

Allan we will meet you on top of the Cairngorm where we will grab an early lunch. Will be their around 12 so gives you an idea. Give me a text etc on the road to let me know how you are doing.

I have just reconfirmed the meal numbers for the evening meals so thats done as well.

If anyone has any questions then just give me a shout and we will do our best to sort it.

Looking forward to seeing you all real soon

Shane & Susan :D

25th August 2009, 07:50 PM
:D We will be there at 8.30 am ready to go, this is going to be so good to meet up again and drive the best roads in the UK. :+: :+: :+: .

Tony Jinxy Froude
25th August 2009, 10:04 PM
Two words......cant wait !!!! :clap: :clap: :+: :+: , Jinx

25th August 2009, 10:51 PM
Two words......cant wait !!!! :clap: :clap: :+: :+: , Jinx

But that's four :roll: :lol: :lol:

Can't wait.... 7 more sleeps :+: :+: :+:

AW11 Forever
26th August 2009, 08:18 AM
Pre Skye agenda

Wednesday 2nd September Meet @ Sheavills towers guest house between 12pm - 4pm, pre dinner drinks at the Cobblers Hall local pub followed by dinner. Its Michael & Joannes 2nd wedding anniversary so don't forget your cards and gifts :o people attending are:

Sasha's dad ( John I think :wtf: )

Beds are on a 1st come 1st serve basis, the floor is based on last come gets a bad back for the trip up service :lol:

Thursday 3rd September Leave at 6am head towards A1M for trip to Huntley, stop at Berwick for 30 minute rest and breakfast
Meet Allsion and Frogge/Celina at Kinross services at 10am with the aim to leave at 10.30am
Estimated time to arrive in Huntley is between 1pm - 130pm where the trip will be handed over to Mr and Mrs Watt :+:

Don't forget you Scotland hats, flags, scalfs, etc :+: oh and don't forget you passport, you will need this to get through boarder in Durham into Geordieland :o

s a watt
26th August 2009, 01:02 PM

Glad to see you have all the troops in order.

Oh and happy Anniversary when it comes

I note from the names that there is no word of Fred & Doris. Are they meeting anyone on the way up?

If no one knows then i will give them a phone to check.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Huntly between 1 & 2 :+:


26th August 2009, 01:34 PM
OOOOOOHHHHHHH it's getting exciting, nearly time to set off oop norff :+: :lol: :lol:

What about Steve and Chan :wave: Are you guys meeting us on route up to Huntly or at the B & B?

26th August 2009, 01:57 PM
Hello Debs,
We didn't know what to do on the meeting up front really. We will get up on Thurday morning and make our way up from Kendal. I'm not sure how long it will take but maybe, someone could PM me a phone number to ring when we get there?
I'm guessing mid afternoon rather than early.
See you all soon.

AW11 Forever
26th August 2009, 03:28 PM

Why are you staying over the lake district way? the trip starts at Sheavills Tower on the Wednesday if you can make it, why not travel up with us on the Thursday morning.

Shane I've not had a whisper from Fred and Doris, I wonder if they are booked into the Church Mouse on the Wednesday night like last year. Are you going to gve them a bell and let me know what their plans are.

Eeeeeeee guys it's nearly here :mrgreen: been working hard so really going to let me hair down, I will appologise now in advance :twisted:

26th August 2009, 04:50 PM

Why are you staying over the lake district way? the trip stats at Sheavills Tower on the Wednesday if you can make it, why not travel up with us on the Thrusday morning.

Shane I've not had a whisper from Fred and Doris, I wonder if they are booked into the Church Mouse on the Wednesday night like last year. Are you going to gve them a bell and let me know what their plans are.

Eeeeeeee guys it's nearly here :mrgreen: been working hard so really going to let me hair down, I will appologise now in advance :twisted:

Hello Micheal,
There are a couple of things we wnated to do in the lake district on the way up, that was all. We are coming back down "your side" on the way home and stopping in York for a couple of nights.
I have had a quick look and because were over on the west side it looks like the route up is quite different from where you guys are coming from.
I will play it by ear a bit and see how we get on.

AW11 Forever
26th August 2009, 05:22 PM
Sounds like a great plan, at least you get to travel back with us, we are only an hour away from York.

Yea our route takes us up the A1 to Edinburgh over the fourth bridge, Kinross then straight up.

Its a 6 hour road trip from Durham - Huntley :+:

27th August 2009, 02:24 PM
Pre Skye agenda

Wednesday 2nd September Meet @ Sheavills towers guest house between 12pm - 4pm, pre dinner drinks at the Cobblers Hall local pub followed by dinner. Its Michael & Joannes 2nd wedding anniversary so don't forget your cards and gifts :o people attending are:

Sasha's dad ( John I think :wtf: )

Beds are on a 1st come 1st serve basis, the floor is based on last come gets a bad back for the trip up service :lol:

Thursday 3rd September Leave at 6am head towards A1M for trip to Huntley, stop at Berwick for 30 minute rest and breakfast
Meet Allsion and Frogge/Celina at Kinross services at 10am with the aim to leave at 10.30am
Estimated time to arrive in Huntley is between 1pm - 130pm where the trip will be handed over to Mr and Mrs Watt :+:

Don't forget you Scotland hats, flags, scalfs, etc :+: oh and don't forget you passport, you will need this to get through boarder in Durham into Geordieland :o

Quite happy to top and tail :think: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

NOT LONG NOW..................................

27th August 2009, 03:26 PM
Steve you have a PM


AW11 Forever
27th August 2009, 06:16 PM

Not sure about top and tail, don't know what would be worse, Jinxys feet, his peeeyet ( Geordie for face ) or his smelly tail after that long trip up :lol: :lol:

27th August 2009, 06:47 PM

Not sure about top and tail, don't know what would be worse, Jinxys feet, his peeeyet ( Geordie for face ) or his smelly tail after that long trip up :lol: :lol:

Who said anything about topping and tailing with Jinxy :shock: :lol: :lol:

Tony Jinxy Froude
27th August 2009, 07:02 PM
Oi !!! you two :o :lol:

AW11 Forever
27th August 2009, 07:43 PM
Debs leave Wayne alone, you know what he's like after 2 can's :sick:

s a watt
27th August 2009, 08:16 PM
Hi Guys

I have emailed and sent Fred and Doris a text today but if I don't hear back from them by tomorrow will give them a phone.

I will let you know the outcome, Michael.

Glad to hear you are all getting excited and we will all be pretty much enjoying the party in Huntly by this time next week.

Shane and Susan

28th August 2009, 03:59 PM
Sasha's dad ( John I think :wtf: )

Hi Mike. Yes, it's John.

Here are my two words: Soooo... Jealous... :(

28th August 2009, 05:20 PM
Sasha's dad ( John I think :wtf: )

Hi Mike. Yes, it's John.

Here are my two words: Soooo... Jealous... :(

You will be missed :( , but Scotland will always be there and there will be many a more trip to follow I'm sure and after reading about your antics :lol: how did your passport look after being in the washing machine :clap: :lol: :lol: and travels 8-) this summer on FB, that should have not been missed :+:

Tony Jinxy Froude
28th August 2009, 05:43 PM
Yeah you will be missed Max, we will have to find someone else now to take the mickey out of for be so disorganised :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: , Jinx

30th August 2009, 07:18 AM
Hi Guys

Glad to hear you are all getting excited and we will all be pretty much enjoying the party in Huntly by this time next week.

Shane and Susan

Was planning to pop in on the Thursday evening to say Hi to you lot but think I'm scuppered, got an out patients appointment that morning in Edinburgh and not allowed to drive afterwards, I'm supposed to be playing golf in Ballater on the Friday and that may be off now too. One day I'll be organised :cry: hope the weather is kind to you for the trip.


AW11 Forever
31st August 2009, 04:07 PM
Well that's us on our holidays now, off till 15th September, get in their my son :+:

Just reading through the thread and getting ever so excited again.

Going to service the Roadster tomorrow, just oil and filter and do a few checks then its going to have a Sheavy vallet, get it looking respectable for the long trip up to the Turf's.

Looking forward to everyone coming up on Wednesday, planning on going to the vintage lorry musuem a few miles away from home and then to my local for a meal and some beers.

Ally I need you to confim you are meeting us Kinross or if you like feel free to come down on Wednesday and join in the festivities early.

Frogge / Celina please confirm your intentions at Kinross

Can't wait


s a watt
31st August 2009, 05:17 PM
Ah, Michael

You are a very lucky fella as normal. I am working until Wednesday but then that is me off until 14th September so it will soon come round.

I know that Frogge was going to contact you regarding arrangements so hope he will do this in due course.

Mind you, I better give him a text just to make sure he is leaving on the right day after last year :lol:

See you all soon


31st August 2009, 09:34 PM
Can't wait, nearly here :clap: :clap: , 1 more sleep :+: and work in the morning :-:

See you all very soon

31st August 2009, 11:29 PM
You will be missed :( , but Scotland will always be there and there will be many a more trip to follow I'm sure and after reading about your antics :lol: how did your passport look after being in the washing machine :clap: :lol: :lol: and travels 8-) this summer on FB, that should have not been missed :+:

:lol: Yeah, the passport is now all just one page, completely stuck together. You should've seen the immigration guys face! :lol:
Unfortunately it's more Uni that's preventing me from going, plus my friends all deciding this year is the year to get married (okay, 3 couples, but still, enough to hurt the holiday time).

Yeah you will be missed Max, we will have to find someone else now to take the mickey out of for be so disorganised :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: , Jinx

Don't worry: Sasha's still going. :mrgreen:

Got a text from Dad this afternoon just saying he can't believe it's Wednesday they're off... I think he's really looking forward to it! ;)

And me...? Still jealous - almost heartbroken in fact. :cry:

Shane, please put my name down for next year now? ;) (Providing I've graduated by then!)

Oh, and someone please give Mark (Watt), Shane & Susan a big hug for me?

Don't forget the silly hats!

AW11 Forever
1st September 2009, 07:13 AM
Aw Max, can't believe you not coming like, leave it with me I will personally see that they get the biggest hug from you :shifty: I might need a few beers before I conquer the lads :crazy: might use my number 2, Jo to sort that one out, LOL

1st September 2009, 07:29 PM
In less than 12 hours time we will be on the road! At last its here!

The cars nearly packed and ready to go. One nights sleep and we will be there.

Were off here tomorrow.
Hopefully it will be alright. I have Shane's, Jinxy's and Deb's phone number to hand so I will give guys a ring when we get to Huntly on thursday.
Drive steady and take it easy in that rain :( :)

s a watt
1st September 2009, 08:43 PM
Hi to all.

Thanks for that max I will look forward to the mikey hug

Steve you guys enjoy the run up and take care. That goes for all leaving tomorrow.

Michael go easy on the polish or you will have no paint left

Well I have to work the morn and then susan has me chained to the cooker and sink at night preparing for you all on thursday

Weather has been really nice here today so let's hope it holds

If any one needs me I am at the end of the phone


3rd September 2009, 07:15 PM
:) Just got off the phone to Shane and all have made it up to Huntly safe and sound, there having a ball just now. hope there are no sore head's tomorrow :) :) :+:

AW11 Forever
4th September 2009, 05:42 AM
Hi Bill

Yes we all made up here to the land that time forgot, never driven in rain like it, was an awesome run ip though, some amazing roads through the spittal of glenshea.

Had a wicked party last night, Pete and Wayne were very harse sholed!

Just waiting in the shower Q at the Mcturfs.

Looking forward to the blast up to Ullapool

See you in a bit Bill

AW11 Forever
8th September 2009, 05:43 PM

1258 miles

Roads amazing

Hospitality at Shanes superb

Unbelievable landscapes

Skye awesome

Great people

Great cars

Applecross Pass :+:

Lots of rain :-: :-:

Pictures later

AW11 Forever
8th September 2009, 05:57 PM
Thanks Shane and Susan

8th September 2009, 06:55 PM
:D Many thanks to Shane and Susan for organising this trip it was fantastic, also it was great to meet up again with old friends and enthusiasts :+: the driving was great , i had done 741 miles on £95 of petrol not bad for a 19 year old Mk1 :+: .Cant wait for another trip.

9th September 2009, 09:26 PM
We made it back earlier today. I'm shattered though, which isn't what holidays are about though, surely :D

It was a great trip and I would like to thank Shane and Susan, again, for there hospitality and for sorting it all out for us.

We were a little daunted being the newbies but shouldn't have been. We soon felt like part of the "team" and thanks are due to everybody for making us feel welcome.

Total trip distance was 1904 miles :shock: I haven't worked out how much fuel I have used though.

Moments that will stick with me are many, but the trip up over the Cairngorm's to Huntly was something else, as was the trip down to Inverness with all you guys.
Also leaving on early on Monday morning and setting the satnav to York. Driving to the main roundabout and setting off down the A9 only be told not to turn off for 109 miles.
which only got us down to Perth.

Anyway we have a few pics, but not sure how many of 'em are much cop. Any good ones will be duely posted.

9th September 2009, 09:56 PM
We made it back earlier today. I'm shattered though, which isn't what holidays are about though, surely :D

That was the norm for the last couple of years! :lol:

Driving to the main roundabout and setting off down the A9 only be told not to turn off for 109 miles.

Yup, that was pretty funny when we did it too last year! :lol:

Shane & Susan - well everyone actually... My Dad and sis want to say thanks again for the hospitality and organising the trip. Dad was especially impressed with the planning you'd done Shane - sounds like it was spot on again! Nice work! :+:

AW11 Forever
12th September 2009, 08:47 AM
Got a feeling John will be in something pretty special next year!


12th September 2009, 03:18 PM
Hi All,

I had a really good time this year with my partner in crime (Wayne Duncan!)

We are still on the go now... Out in Milton Keynes tonight for football, beer and more beer!

Would just like to say MEGA thanks to shane and susan for the great organisation and massive effort that they put into making sure this trips runs as smoothly as we have now come to expect from the Mcturfs tours!

I have decided that (as long as I'm still allowed now that I've moved to the Honda camp!) Amanda and I are putting our names down for next year. :D :D

As testiment to how good this trip is... I had previously decided it was going to be my last EVER mk1 club trip. However this is the 1 trip that I will probably never be able to stay away from!

Take care all...

Looking forward to seeing you all next year already!

Pete :geek:

12th September 2009, 07:10 PM
Hi All,

I had a really good time this year with my partner in crime (Wayne Duncan!)

We are still on the go now... Out in Milton Keynes tonight for football, beer and more beer!

Would just like to say MEGA thanks to shane and susan for the great organisation and massive effort that they put into making sure this trips runs as smoothly as we have now come to expect from the Mcturfs tours!

I have decided that (as long as I'm still allowed now that I've moved to the Honda camp!) Amanda and I are putting our names down for next year. :D :D

As testiment to how good this trip is... I had previously decided it was going to be my last EVER mk1 club trip. However this is the 1 trip that I will probably never be able to stay away from!

Take care all...

Looking forward to seeing you all next year already!

Pete :geek:
:) :) Hows it going Pete, glad you and Wayne enjoyed the trip, it was good to catch up again, hey Pete are you not going to have some water of life when yous two are out tonight ;) :lol: :+:

Tony Jinxy Froude
13th September 2009, 04:08 PM
Yep we have just arrived home after a whopping 1,999.3 miles trip ! :o , again many, many thanks to Shane & Suzie for the hospitality, the stovies was amazing :+: , so good to see everyone again & glad those who have never been before felt at home with the rest of us :+: , see/ speak to you all again soon, cheers, Jinxy 'n' Debs

13th September 2009, 07:27 PM
Some pics from the trip
Just set of from Huntly
http://www.mr2mk1club.com/images/imported/2009/09/CIMG2121-1.jpgAll the cars at the lecht ski centre
A convoy of mr2 some where in the Highlands

All the MK1s on the trip
Some pics from Skye.
Shane and Susan the leader of the pack.







Just a few for all to see


AW11 Forever
18th September 2009, 03:45 PM
Picture wise, here's my effort

Just as we set off we were confronted with this mess, the Police had the road partialy closed buy hey we are mad in sports cars and it was only the worst rain in Northern Scotland for 20 years, so off we went.

As this was open to IMOC we had a nice mixture of MR2 marques including 3 Roadsters ( and 1 x Toadster! ) Picture taken overlooking Aviemore.

Fun and laughter all the way on this trip, pictured is the famous ''La Roux'' MK1 and in the background Deb's, Suzzy, Mark and Christina.

Just look at that view, the scenary was absolutely breathtaking and the roads amazing.

The ''toadster'' having a quick pit stop for a repair to the wiper, just look at that rain!

Some nice MK2's on this trip, love this colour.

And MK3's!!

Toad-ster v Highland Cow.

Touring through the Isle Of Skye.



Typical Scottish car park.

Sasha's MK2 Silver Shadow, I wonder if it will turn into a Roadster by next year.

TURBO treat's.

The trips entertainment, crazy Jinxy.

My old house before I was evicted!

Fred & Doris Sandeson, ''Nanna Schumacher'' certainly showed us how to drive these twisty roads.

Bolt-on trip back to Aviemore

Joanne, Deb's and Susan on Lochness on the bolt on trip.



MRS Roadster 2000

Joanne Sheavills + 1

pistol pete
19th September 2009, 05:42 AM
great pics..... :+:

19th September 2009, 09:26 AM
Something tells me Michael has fallen out with the mk1!! lol all pics of roadsters n mk2s... what about the s2000 mick?


AW11 Forever
19th September 2009, 05:17 PM
Sorry Pete, I'm being very disrespectfull, just for you her you go :+:

This is Wayne Duncan's superb 1989 MK1 Coupe, currently this car is for sale £1300 with only 71000K on the clock, great condition. Contact wayne if interested in buying this car.


When you gotta go, you gotta go! pricelss

Shane & Marks shared Mk1

Pete's HONDA S2000


Wayne thinking, I gotta get myself one of these.....


21st September 2009, 08:51 PM
I laughed at bmwbill's pics. That is without doubt one of the worst of me I have seen a long time :D It was one of the reasons I put a pic up in the "faces to names" thread, just to put the record straight. All the pics are good though Bill's and Micheal's.

We recieved Andy's dvd's over the weekend as well. How I laughed at the news at 10 feature at the start (i hadn't seen it before) Great stuff and I didn't realise what a sense of humour he had.
In reflection, its a shame that there isn't a bit more time to get to know each other a bit better over the weekend. I will make more of an effort in future.

I have decided, all going a well, that next year I would travel up in one day and the same on the way back. Chan want's to go on a welsh run next year, of some discription, and holiday will be tight. It will be tough but I'm no light weight, I can manage.

Things to do for next year though is to get some of the stone chip film stuff. My rear side skirts took a pounding but its all good.

22nd September 2009, 07:03 PM
I laughed at bmwbill's pics. That is without doubt one of the worst of me I have seen a long time :D It was one of the reasons I put a pic up in the "faces to names" thread, just to put the record straight. All the pics are good though Bill's and Micheal's.

We recieved Andy's dvd's over the weekend as well. How I laughed at the news at 10 feature at the start (i hadn't seen it before) Great stuff and I didn't realise what a sense of humour he had.
In reflection, its a shame that there isn't a bit more time to get to know each other a bit better over the weekend. I will make more of an effort in future.

I have decided, all going a well, that next year I would travel up in one day and the same on the way back. Chan want's to go on a welsh run next year, of some discription, and holiday will be tight. It will be tough but I'm no light weight, I can manage.

Things to do for next year though is to get some of the stone chip film stuff. My rear side skirts took a pounding but its all good.
:D Hi Steve Just tried to get everyone that was on the trip in :) ,You never got the chance to meet Crystal Andys Mate she is off her head She has no fear what so ever but never mind. ;) Where is Jinxys and Debs Pics hope they get there pics up soon.


22nd September 2009, 07:54 PM
Chan want's to go on a welsh run next year


Well if this is a group thing or if you dont mind some company, I'd love to come along or meet up at some point?! :+:

22nd September 2009, 08:41 PM
I laughed at bmwbill's pics. That is without doubt one of the worst of me I have seen a long time :D It was one of the reasons I put a pic up in the "faces to names" thread, just to put the record straight. All the pics are good though Bill's and Micheal's.

We recieved Andy's dvd's over the weekend as well. How I laughed at the news at 10 feature at the start (i hadn't seen it before) Great stuff and I didn't realise what a sense of humour he had.
In reflection, its a shame that there isn't a bit more time to get to know each other a bit better over the weekend. I will make more of an effort in future.

I have decided, all going a well, that next year I would travel up in one day and the same on the way back. Chan want's to go on a welsh run next year, of some discription, and holiday will be tight. It will be tough but I'm no light weight, I can manage.

Things to do for next year though is to get some of the stone chip film stuff. My rear side skirts took a pounding but its all good.
:D Hi Steve Just tried to get everyone that was on the trip in :) ,You never got the chance to meet Crystal Andys Mate she is off her head She has no fear what so ever but never mind. ;) Where is Jinxys and Debs Pics hope they get there pics up soon.


I got the impression Crystal might be a bit that way inclined. She came across as absolutely bonkers in the few short clips she was in, but in a nice way :D

22nd September 2009, 08:44 PM
Chan want's to go on a welsh run next year


Well if this is a group thing or if you dont mind some company, I'd love to come along or meet up at some point?! :+:

I'm reckoning we will end up in the Brecon beacon area. The other half is into her paranormal stuff and wants to spend a night at Craig y Nos Castle on a ghost hunt, but other than that I'm not sure at the moment.

23rd September 2009, 03:53 PM
I'm reckoning we will end up in the Brecon beacon area

That'd be great, I live about 20-30mins drive from there! 8-) Some good driving roads too, perfect for the Mk1! :twisted:

The other half is into her paranormal stuff and wants to spend a night at Craig y Nos Castle on a ghost hunt

Wow, thats a heck of a bolt-on trip!

I've never considered anything like that before but after a few pints of the black-stuff I'm sure I'll have plucked up enough courage :shifty: :shock:

23rd September 2009, 05:44 PM
I'm reckoning we will end up in the Brecon beacon area

That'd be great, I live about 20-30mins drive from there! 8-) Some good driving roads too, perfect for the Mk1! :twisted:

The other half is into her paranormal stuff and wants to spend a night at Craig y Nos Castle on a ghost hunt

Wow, thats a heck of a bolt-on trip!

I've never considered anything like that before but after a few pints of the black-stuff I'm sure I'll have plucked up enough courage :shifty: :shock:

Ohhh, we would be taking it pretty seriously, well she would. We have a load of equipment we would take if we can get it in the car. It's a science, apparantly :D :D

Tony Jinxy Froude
23rd September 2009, 07:20 PM
Hi Guys, sorry for the delay in getting some pics posted, its been manic since we got back ( 1 week later than most of you :+: ) on top of that whilst away i had the flu, food poisoning, & a throat & ear infection, also my P.C finally gave up the ghost, so now got a new one, im still suffering a little, but on the mend, anyway heres some pics, enjoy :clap: , Jinxy
















These other pics were when Deb & myself went to Conniston waters in Cumbria where Donald Campbell lost his life trying to beat the water speed record in Bluebird.
This is the house on the waters edge that Campbell ran his operation for the world record attempt.












AW11 Forever
24th September 2009, 08:37 AM
Awesome Jinx, are you going to put some of your LM 1000 km in the other thread?

27th September 2009, 04:35 PM
Hi All,
I've uploaded Dad's photos of the Scotland trip:
http://s601.photobucket.com/albums/tt92 ... cotland09/ (http://s601.photobucket.com/albums/tt92/monkeymax/JScotland09/)
There's 49 photos, so I'm not going to put them all up here... ;)

Here's a selection:








27th September 2009, 07:36 PM
:) Some great pics there Max, had a look at the album and must say the one of me in the car is fantastic :+: would you let John know it is now set as my desktop background :+: love this pic.

28th September 2009, 08:57 PM
Ohhh, we would be taking it pretty seriously, well she would. We have a load of equipment we would take if we can get it in the car. It's a science, apparantly :D :D

OK, no worries! ;)

Well if you fancy some company on part of your trek just give me a shout a little nearer the time. :+:

28th September 2009, 09:10 PM
:) Some great pics there Max, had a look at the album and must say the one of me in the car is fantastic :+: would you let John know it is now set as my desktop background :+: love this pic.

I'm with Bill on this Max. John has taken a stonker of a shot of my car as well (it even looks like I'm smiling at the wheel, which is a bonus)
Is there any chance John might have a higher res version kicking about? I to would like to use it for a desktop.

Ohhh, we would be taking it pretty seriously, well she would. We have a load of equipment we would take if we can get it in the car. It's a science, apparantly :D :D

OK, no worries! ;)

Well if you fancy some company on part of your trek just give me a shout a little nearer the time. :+:

Definatley will if we get it off the ground. If nothing else we can go out for a run for a day or something. Looking forward to it :+:

14th October 2009, 10:06 PM
I'm with Bill on this Max. John has taken a stonker of a shot of my car as well (it even looks like I'm smiling at the wheel, which is a bonus)
Is there any chance John might have a higher res version kicking about? I to would like to use it for a desktop.

Hi Guys. Sorry, I've just seen this! I'll give him a call tomorrow night and ask him for the photos. Spudgun, can you point me to the exact photo that is the one you like? It'll make it easier to ask him for the right one! I think he's got the full res versions in 14 megapixels or something silly. I'll arrange to upload the photos somewhere for you guys. :+:

14th October 2009, 10:48 PM
This one, please, Max.

