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View Full Version : Login Issues

3rd January 2009, 10:30 AM

A few people have mentioned to me that they are having to login everytime they go to a next page or click back.

Is this something you could have a look at?

It doesnt affect me, strangely!

3rd January 2009, 10:06 PM
If you tell me who, I'll look into it.


4th January 2009, 11:13 AM
Me for one Max :D

4th January 2009, 12:12 PM
Me. Keeps logging me out, almost like it times out after say five minutes of inactive use.

4th January 2009, 12:27 PM
Me too. If I follow a link to ebay or somewhere, once i click 'back' into the forum I have to login again - it doesn't just go back to the forum page I was on previously. Maybe have links opening in a new window would be easier?

5th January 2009, 12:05 AM
Okay, I've made a note of this being an issue and will look into it when I can.