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View Full Version : ** Announcement ** New alternative Domain - uber cool!

7th May 2014, 05:29 PM
Hi all,

Some exciting news, well I think so at least! :)

Nearly a year ago, the new top level domains were made available for pre-registering. Amongst others that I tried to secure, I pre-registered interest in mr2.club.

Roll forward to a couple of months ago and I received an E-mail saying that I was able to pre-order the domain! :D Roll forward yet again to today and the club now officially owns the domain 'mr2.club'.

I for one thinks that's pretty cool!

It's cool on quite a few levels. It means that getting to the website is easier than ever if you're on a friends computer or on your phone and don't have the site bookmarked etc.. Also, if you meet someone that you want to recommend the club to, you can just tell them 'mr2.club'; so simple! It also means that no other MR2 clubs can register that domain, which I think is quite neat and makes it a worthy investment, of which it's not much in monetary terms.

You'll still be able to access the site directly via www.mr2mk1club.com as mr2.club simply re-directs you to here.

Let me know your thoughts anyway! :D

One very happy geek of a webmaster.


7th May 2014, 05:38 PM
Nice one Tom, that really is a bit of a result albeit a rather geeky one!

Bet the other MR2 clubs are kicking themselves.

7th May 2014, 06:24 PM

7th May 2014, 06:26 PM
Very nice mate :-)

7th May 2014, 10:41 PM
May make some nice 'car window sticker' designs: www.mr2.club

8th May 2014, 07:28 AM
It works! Look! I'm here! :)

8th May 2014, 08:02 AM
I'm here two so works in Firefox

8th May 2014, 08:28 AM
Yeh, it should work in all browsers. However, it may take up to 24 hours for the changes to take affect across all Internet Service Providers.

Thanks for the feedback guys.


8th May 2014, 05:10 PM
as a non computer geek can I just say "What"?
carry on!

11th December 2014, 12:49 AM
Sorry to necro this thread a bit. Just wanted to let everyone know that I work for a hosting provider and domain registrar. So if you have any questions regarding websites, domains, etc. just let me know.

Great job on getting the .club gTLD for MR2 by the way. It's personal preference, but you could change the forum's site URL to mr2.club and redirect mr2mk1club.com over to it. It's a bit shorter for mobile users, and a really good domain name.

15th December 2014, 05:47 PM
Hi there,

No problem on 'necro'ing' the thread. :)

I did originally think about having the .club domain as the primary one, and if it was only for me, I'd do it straight away. However, I think that until all users are accustomed to the new domain extensions, I'd rather just keep it on the old full length domain name.

I was chuffed to get the mr2.club domain name though! :D
