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20th March 2014, 01:07 PM
You would have thought that if you are going to sell a car, you'd at least take the trouble to / be intelligent enough to ....................

Wash it...

ditto....(and pay £25 for a V5)

or in the case of a red one for sale recently (that I can't find anymore) rinse it!

Ensure the photos are the right way up...

ditto - and take more than one or at least one with the whole car on...

I suppose if they are going to be this reticent, someone with MR2s close to their heart will probably get a bargain!

20th March 2014, 01:30 PM
Amazing eh!!

20th March 2014, 02:18 PM
I might go and look at the one in Clacton - my best mate lives there ;) a spares car ;)

20th March 2014, 08:29 PM
It always amazes me how little effort some people go to in selling cars that are supposedly worth thousands of pounds. Even for shitters I've had over the years I'll give it a proper clean, take it somewhere for some decent photos and write a good, detailed advert. Anything less really puts me off.

20th March 2014, 09:34 PM
Even for shitters I've had over the years I'll give it a proper clean, take it somewhere for some decent photos and write a good, detailed advert.

Made me smile Ben - it sounds like you do for cars, what spin doctors do in the obituaries of recently deceased Labour Politicians and Trade Unionists!

20th March 2014, 09:46 PM
nope didn't give mine the full valet treatment, sold it as a project, I'm certain new owner Bill appreciates that he got a bargain, should really have polished another £700 into it

20th March 2014, 09:59 PM
Ha! not sure if there's much spin on it, I just take the time to describe all the good and bad points of any car so people aren't disappointed when they turn up ;)

Boba Fett
25th March 2014, 01:08 PM
This one has just popped up on Ebay, again not very well presented, stuck at the end of a 3 car garage, no photos of the important areas, wings or engine bay.


25th March 2014, 01:31 PM
I bet he pulls the auction before the end. he wanted 5-6k for this and is unlikely to reach it at auction in my opinion

30th March 2014, 11:30 PM
Nice to see that sellers are just as lazy over there, as here (US). I've been doing a national search for about two months now, and can't believe just how dirty so many people leave their cars before taking what are so often really lousy pics on top of everything else, lol. Lot's of idiotic angles are shot that if you were maybe making a scrap book would be okay, but really lame for a sales ad. And of course there are plenty where they insist on shooting into a very bright light, and you can't make out anything but the car's silhouette. Combine that with their half-a@@ed descriptions, along with their incredible over valuations of the cars, and you have a huge stagnant list of cars going nowhere. Arrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! :D

30th March 2014, 11:39 PM
This one has just popped up on Ebay, again not very well presented, stuck at the end of a 3 car garage, no photos of the important areas, wings or engine bay.

That is absolutely typical of most 'low mileage' advertised MKI's. No attempt to present the car properly at all, with proper pics or descriptions. He couldn't even be bothered to list the year of the car. And of course these things have always somehow spent most of their lives in temperature/humidity controlled garages, lol. And if you notice now so many people merely say "_____ miles on the odometer", not 'this car has only done _________ miles" (or similar). Big difference, lol.

1st April 2014, 10:44 PM
LOL The one at the back of the garage is mine. It's true I couldn't be bothered to get her out of the garage. And it's a 6 car garage thank you very much but I overfilled it with junk :)

Boba Fett
2nd April 2014, 03:38 PM
This one looks like it's being sold honestly, the seller has put some good photos in and listed everything that's wrong. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Toyota-MR2-Mk1-mot-till-september-4th-runs-but-being-sold-spares-repair-/121310377917?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item1c3ea977bd

2nd April 2014, 03:56 PM
Here's a list of all the faults with mine:

2nd April 2014, 04:50 PM
Here's a list of all the faults with mine:

Is this the same car that you put up for sale on this forum on 4th December and then said you had sold it on the 7th December?

2nd April 2014, 04:53 PM
Is this the same car that you put up for sale on this forum on 4th December and then said you had sold it on the 7th December?
Yes. It was going to 4 Star Classics but I backed out. Unless you mean the one that was sold to me as "Perfect" and turned out to be full of rust? I sold that on here straight away but I was honest with the purchaser so incurred a 4 figure loss :(

2nd April 2014, 05:06 PM
Here's the one I bought based on pics and a description. Seriously they don't mean much. Looks good? The one I am now selling is twice as good.

7th April 2014, 10:36 AM
err if 'the advert doesn't do the car justice' then re-write the ad (and use spell checker)!! I think the advert more than does it justice - anyone got £600 to throw away?


11th April 2014, 05:28 PM
I saw this and thought of this thread: http://sniffpetrol.com/2014/04/11/not-ad-knockers-snatch-110414/

Boba Fett
29th April 2014, 11:55 AM
Have a look at the ebay link below, not a case of being lazy, just that it cannot be moved- no keys

Love the comment

Bad point - no keys and whatabout the rest?

29th April 2014, 06:38 PM
I emailed the guy, telling him how easy it was to get replacement keys through Toyoto, which may improve his chances of getting a better price but to be honest, he came across as being a bit of a Wayne who couldn't be bothered!

Boba Fett
30th April 2014, 04:18 PM
That ones back on again after going for £81.

There is another one on ebay today, if it's somebody from the forum selling it then you should know better it's a Mk1 not a Mk2 - another great comment on the description about the car jumping out of 4th gear, it's fine if you keep your hand on it!