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View Full Version : 2014 meets or runs????

10th January 2014, 01:07 PM
hi all.
been a very quiet year last year.
hopefully this year will be ALOT better.
want to try and get some sort of an idea of the interest level that is out there for possible meets and runs this year.
so please if you are interested in either please post on here and let colin and myself know.
and if anyone has any suggestion for venues or things to do or go please input them too if you want!
thanks all.

26th February 2014, 10:44 AM
60 views and not even one reply.... guess its going to be another quiet year again :( :(

bill hulme
26th February 2014, 12:25 PM
I was the N/West organiser for many years it can take a long time to get a good number of members to turn out, but once they have been on a good 200mile run on twisty roads,
You start to get regulars that turn out and have a ball, The only down side is people not coming when they say they will, but that's life, Keep at it its
worth it in the end,
Best of luck, Bill.

6th March 2014, 02:46 PM
used to be very busy and active over here bill so it was.
the last 2 2and a half years though it has died totally :(
ah well just have to keept the fingers toes and anything that can be crossed crossed LOL :D :D :D