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bill hulme
21st August 2013, 12:20 PM
A days run out in the Peak District, this is a popular days outing with Gary (mk1dal) from Buxton leading the pack ,
As before we will meet at Tesco at Macclesfield SK10 2AB. leaving at 10.00am Gary (mk1dal) will doing the full days run, Put you name down on the list. THE IS A LIMIT OF 12 CARS
1 Gary ( mk1dal)
2 Kris (kgb603)
3 Graham (Lakelad)
4 Steve
5 Michael (Michaeljapp)
6 Bill Hulme
7 Tom Mundy (Bossman)
8 Neil
9 HowardB
10 Nattie
11 Ianc
12 Denis Eley

21st August 2013, 12:48 PM
1 Gary ( mk1dal)
2 Kris (kgb603)

21st August 2013, 09:36 PM
1 Gary ( mk1dal)
2 Kris (kgb603)
3 Graham (Lakelad)

Added myself to the list but not sure I have done it correctly!

21st August 2013, 10:35 PM
Steve am going :D no.4

29th August 2013, 07:59 PM
Put me down for this as well please.


bill hulme
31st August 2013, 05:51 AM
Come on put your name down for a fun run with the lad and lasses.

Rick McRick
1st September 2013, 12:58 AM
My car's wheel is about to fall off, no extradition.
Ball joints and drop links I've been ignoring for a year are seriously requiring fixing plus questionably a wheel bearing :(

I'm not sure coming on a bike would be a good idea so I'm out :(

1st September 2013, 09:58 AM
Is your wheel a terrorist or criminal Rick?

1st September 2013, 10:01 AM
^^ :-d ^^

1st September 2013, 10:05 AM
Weather and car permitting Jen and I would like to join you. If anyone more local puts up happy to defer to them

Rick McRick
1st September 2013, 04:12 PM
I'm gonna blame that on auto correct lol :)

1st September 2013, 05:32 PM
sorry work has now intervened and we will not be able to play

2nd September 2013, 09:56 PM
Put me down please Bill. It'll be good to catch up with you! :)

8th September 2013, 09:42 PM
Hi Bill

Please put me down for this as well.

Cheers, Howard

mk1 dal
10th September 2013, 12:03 PM
hi Howard , see you on the run mate lets hope its fine weather .

10th September 2013, 12:15 PM
Hi guys

Is there any room left on this event? I'm a newbie, picked up my mr2 mk1 last Sunday so everything is very new to me....including driving the car! Do you cruise on these sorts of jaunts or hit it hard? I'm just concerned I won't be able to keep up :(



mk1 dal
10th September 2013, 01:34 PM
hi welcome to the club , you are more than welcome and don't worry you will be able to keep up its not a race , there are a lot of twisty roads on the run so check your brakes and tyres and oil and water .

10th September 2013, 02:28 PM
Hi Gary

Many thanks, weather permitting I'll be there. Just recently moved from Buxton to Hazel Grove so suspect it was your car I've been admiring....defo regularly seen a white supercharger around and an (orange?!) mrk 1 on the cat and fiddle.

10th September 2013, 03:29 PM
Is there any space left on this run? If so I would like to attend!

mk1 dal
11th September 2013, 01:20 PM
hi Ian , your more than welcome see you on the run .


19th September 2013, 01:31 PM
Really looking forward to seeing you all at the weekend.
Sorry if this is hi-jacking the thread a little bit, but if anyone is in the market for a set of wheels, I've got these going:
They're 15 x 7J, with great tyres, Toyo Proxes T1-S, and in excellent nic.
I'll have one with me (it's my spare!) on Sunday, so you can see what they are like in the flesh.
Not desperate to sell, so would need to hold out for £200 - which is probably what just the tyres are worth!)
Cheers, and hoping for sunshine, Howard

21st September 2013, 02:16 PM
IanC and Gary.

Not sure if you both know but Gary will be bringing the car that Ian found to the run so should be interesting for you.

Have fun chaps.


21st September 2013, 09:43 PM
Howard, are those mk3 wheels? they look cool.

Looking forward to seeing the sky blue mk1a mostly because I have never seen one in that colour before. Will probably get to Tesco quite early on but I am not sure how long I will be able to stay, as I am heading back to Sunderland later that evening!!

mk1 dal
21st September 2013, 10:04 PM
hi ian , the run should Finnish around 5 pm at the cat n fiddle pub , if you need to get home earlier let me know what time so we don't think you have broken down or got lost mate .

21st September 2013, 10:39 PM
Yea no problem, I will get someones number when at Tesco then I can just text to say if I had to leave, definately wont be able to hand around until 5pm unfortunately, should have checked first what the plan was!


mk1 dal
21st September 2013, 10:40 PM
no problem Ian

22nd September 2013, 01:12 PM
Only just got back! Sheffield is crazy with 60k students arriving plus work being done on the trams, which meant roadworks.

Anyway, it was great catching up with people! Nice to meet some of the new faces and catch up with the old favourites.

Cracking day for it!

Right, time to change that brake caliper and fit a new ecu water temp sensor for MOT retest tomorrow after the car has cooled down a bit.


22nd September 2013, 01:45 PM
Was cracking weather for it, and great to meet everyone, was gutted I could not have stayed the whole day. Will definitely attend next time and make sure I clear a day in the diary for it.

The sky blue mk1 has cleaned up a treat, lovely colour!


22nd September 2013, 06:19 PM
Top day ;-) apart from mine playing up thanks for getting me going ;-) got it home but had to get a jump start off a 4x4 :-) looking fwd to the next one set& Loz

mk1 dal
22nd September 2013, 06:20 PM
hi , thanks for everybody making the effort and turning out day , really enjoyed it and was great to see new faces on the runs , hope you got back home alright steve .

22nd September 2013, 07:18 PM
Another great day - a big thanks for Gary for a great run.

Good to see everybody and to welcome some new faces. Fantastic weather, excellent scenery and 380 miles door to door.

I didn't take any pics so I hope some are posted soon.


22nd September 2013, 08:27 PM
Made it home in good time, nice clean run on the motorway.

Some cracking cars and a good turn out, thanks to everyone for making it a fun day out.

Garys Mk1a looks like an amazing little car. A real find there, such a great colour in the flesh and seemed to chip along nicely. ( complete with yale locks. )
Great to see something this rare end up in the hands of someone who will look after it and bring it back to its former glory.

Looking forward to seeing some photos.

PS - Thanks for the sandwiches Bill, the were lovely on the drive home.

mk1 dal
22nd September 2013, 08:49 PM
glad you made it back alright mate , was great to see you again and make some room in your diary next year for shows and runs mate aulton park is a must i will try and get a 20 car plot iv a feeling its going to be needed .

22nd September 2013, 10:00 PM
Thanks for organising this Gary & Bill. Great day out, brilliant to see so many cars turn out for it & have the weather on our side for once!

23rd September 2013, 08:07 AM
Wow - what can I say? Had an absolutely brilliant day, thanks to everyone for making me feel so welcome - I was terrified at the start! I'm still coming down from the buzz - you've made one woman and her mr2 mk1 very happy :D

23rd September 2013, 08:35 AM
Hi all, great day yesterday, good weather and nice people. Thanks to Gary for organising the run, and Bill (tail end Charlie for the afternoon section). Pity there was no space at Bakewell to get photos. The standard of cars is getting better all the time, this shouldn't put people off who feel their car isn't up to standard, everyone is welcome at these events.

23rd September 2013, 04:25 PM
Just to echo the above : a great day out, and a really friendly bunch!

Will work on my mate John to get one, but being 6'5 is a bit of a problem unless the t-bar roof is off!

23rd September 2013, 10:35 PM
Will work on my mate John to get one, but being 6'5 is a bit of a problem unless the t-bar roof is off!

Hi Howard, nice to meet you (albeit briefly) before the run. I'd contest the lack of leg and headroom in a mk1 though! :) I'm 6'2 ish and if I put a boss on the steering wheel, I could pretty much have straight legs without even putting the seat all the way back. Far better than many modern euro hatchbacks where the pedals are almost directly below the steering wheel.

Glad you all had a good run - perfect weather for it, so sorry I couldn't dedicate the day to it!

23rd September 2013, 10:40 PM
I was concerned when we stopped for coffee that we had lost Julian as I was sure I had seen him at in Tesco's car park as the 13th car!

24th September 2013, 04:56 PM
Hi Howard, nice to meet you (albeit briefly) before the run. I'd contest the lack of leg and headroom in a mk1 though! :) I'm 6'2 ish and if I put a boss on the steering wheel, I could pretty much have straight legs without even putting the seat all the way back. Far better than many modern euro hatchbacks where the pedals are almost directly below the steering wheel.

Glad you all had a good run - perfect weather for it, so sorry I couldn't dedicate the day to it!

I agree, there's got be be a way . . . Bucket seats mounted on the floor would do it, wouldn't it?!

24th September 2013, 05:11 PM
Get a tintop Howard, they have loads of headroom.

24th September 2013, 08:42 PM
Get a tintop Howard, they have loads of headroom.

I fit fine in my tbar
, but I'll suggest that to my 6'5 mate!

24th September 2013, 11:49 PM
I was concerned when we stopped for coffee that we had lost Julian as I was sure I had seen him at in Tesco's car park as the 13th car!

I'm not usually one for superstition, but having as much to do at home as I did and Bill having a full leaderboard for the run already, I was content to duck out! Sorry to miss the gasbagging though!