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View Full Version : Hi, from Australia, how it is here, cars and all that stuff.

2nd June 2013, 12:19 AM
:grin:Hi all from down under.(Hope ur enjoying getting all those nice cars out in the summer.) And what a different car world it is here.good and bad, just like the world over, good: petrol was, as low as 78cents (50p aprox) in Nov 2008 when we got here, now up to $1.35-$1.45 (goes up at the weekend comes down mid week!!sometimes as much as 30cents per litre).lots of v8's and 4litre plus, inline 6's.And extra tall 4x4, that roll on their side, or spin out in the wet, no problem at all. And when it rains here, it's normally very heavy, think could use an extra speed the wipers, as you can't see out, But some don't slow at all!!No mot unless you want to sell the car, then you have to get a safety check, which is a little like an mot,but not as hard in some area's.No rust on the under side of the car, may have some from salt spray, if you live, close to the beach and many do, we about a 15-20min walk away, sounds as good as it gets, but its all give and take Bad:second hand cars cost lots.New about the same, but people buy a car keep it for, 15-20 years scrap it, buy another, new one.Rubber harden's, engine mounts, seals, wipers last 2-3years, if ur cars in the sun a lot.Cooling system have hard life, head gaskets go, if ur not good with the maintenance. Very little armaco, lots off grass to run off onto.And passed that grass, tree's,which lots some how hit / aim for / crash into, not good.Speeding on the main roads a no, no, lots of portable speed traps, unmarked police cars, some old, of all different types,but in the hills, call a range here, ( seams to be that, there is always, some where "interesting to push ur car", all most freely,where ever u live in Oz's) It a different story, if you don't, upset anyone, then away you go.Drink and drive, lots do it still, but you get pulled to blow in the bag, often, 5 times in the first few months. My kids now driving, have been stopped more often. But don't feel bad for the kids insurance for them on a high powered car, is very very cheap, my lads(19yoa) got a 147 ti,550 pounds fully comp....they can't have a turbo petrol, a v8, or, more than 219kw, (330hp?)for the first 3-4years. But a XR6, 4litre, 213kw,at 18yoa, $300, approx TPFT. Saying all that, most, are ok drivers, and don't push it to much....as most have a lot of respect for their M&D, and don't want to upset them, so are carefully.Australia very very big, so big trip are the normal, you very quick learn which cars ( and there are many) have scrap seats.And for those that don't know, 10hrs on a new but poor seat can damaged your arse for ever, not good at all, (talking of which did you know that volvo means "i roll" in Swedish?)On that note, better go, and stop boring you all. all the best Martin

2nd June 2013, 09:21 PM
Welcome to the forum Martin. I love Australia, have been there a few times, seen a lot of it now despite the almost unimaginable scale of the country! My 3 favourite things about it there are that you can get multi-litre bottles of coffee flavored milk, that they put cheese in every possible kind of pie, and the constant burble of V8's on the streets :-)