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View Full Version : Another super charger

25th May 2013, 08:45 AM

Very tempting, though I'd feel a bit guilty daily driving it.

25th May 2013, 08:54 AM
Yup, it's a member from here's car. It's a lovely example!

30th May 2013, 07:41 PM
its a beauty but also I would feel bad driving it ha

30th May 2013, 07:51 PM
There is one for sale on TwoBrutal for half the price That looks as clean but it still has a blue interior :-(

30th May 2013, 08:51 PM
I've seen the ebay car last year and spent sometime looking in every nook and cranny. It's breathtaking and worth the £7K in my opinion. Owner Paul has also spent money on suspension etc which was already very good condition. I have the original rear springs and they are like new ..which indicates the obsession he had in making it perfect. Everything except the wheels shown are original ...it's not modified which is rare.

He will reduce the price if anyone doesn't want the original diamond polished teardrops as I've offered him £500 for those.

In this condition the car is very rare. I've actually been thinking of making him an offer but I already have a restored SC. For anyone who has never driven a manual SC and wonders if it's worth the extra money I can tell it's really good ...even better than you expect.

I do understand though the view if it's that good you might not want to use it but if you saw this car you'd find it difficult to walk away.

1st June 2013, 07:03 PM
Thanks Andy :)
I've had a few offers, but most are along the lines of, 'well there are others for sale for half that price...' Which is frustrating if people haven't even seen the cars they are commenting on.

It's easy to sit in an armchair and pass comment, but a bit irritating if they are commenting on or even hindering a sale if they haven't even seen any of the cars in question in the flesh...

If you want another look over some time, I would be open to an offer...(just saying ;)

1st June 2013, 10:24 PM
Thanks Andy :)
I've had a few offers, but most are along the lines of, 'well there are others for sale for half that price...' Which is frustrating if people haven't even seen the cars they are commenting on.

It's easy to sit in an armchair and pass comment, but a bit irritating if they are commenting on or even hindering a sale if they haven't even seen any of the cars in question in the flesh...

If you want another look over some time, I would be open to an offer...(just saying ;)

I dare not come and look again Paul - would end up with another SC!

Hope you find right buyer. Just want everyone to realise the car is very good. As you know I spent a bit over £6K buying and restoring my car but it's never going to be as good as yours. That's simply why I think I think it's worth the sort of money you're looking for.

2nd June 2013, 05:08 PM
I must its a lovely example, iv had mine for 5 yrs now, spent first year restoring, only use it on dry days and yes the manual box is great, always puts a smile on my face...

2nd June 2013, 08:06 PM
It's easy to sit in an armchair and pass comment, but a bit irritating if they are commenting on or even hindering a sale if they haven't even seen any of the cars in question in the flesh...

I assume this is in reference to my post, I admit I have not seen either car the descriptions are very similar and if I was in the market for a Supercharger I think I would check out the car at £3000 before I looked at the car for £7000. As this is not a for sale thread I can't see how it could hinder a sale.

3rd June 2013, 08:17 PM
The £3000 one has been sold !!

3rd June 2013, 09:38 PM
The £3000 one has been sold !!

I saw that one. It looked amazing value. I would have been very tempted if it was closer!

4th June 2013, 10:57 PM
Well, I picked up the £3000 one tonight, came so close to giving up on mk1's after my last 2 as not as mechanically minded as a lot of you on here but after viewing this one just had to have it, thanks to Coverco for mentioning it as probably wouldn't have noticed it otherwise!

5th June 2013, 06:13 AM
Glad it went to someone in the club :-)

PS It was Jimi that told me about it in the first place.