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View Full Version : March 2013 run!!!!

12th November 2012, 11:46 AM
ok. both colin and myself are trying to start planning a run for the first run of the year next year now.
we really want people to let us know if they are interested and to give ideas or thoughts on where to run it
or what to do..... last year was a pretty bad and quiet year for us as a club and none of the usual fun,food and
frolicking :) :) :) so we would really like next year to get back to what we all had and enjoyed before hand. i am
sure you will all agree.
so again PLEASE give your thought,opinions and suggestions and if you are interested.
even if you cant come but have ideas feel free to make them here.
thanks to all you help with their input :D

1st December 2012, 12:30 PM
Portrush? Nice run up to Barry's Amusements :p

2nd December 2012, 12:46 AM
Car will not be taxed until 1st of April :+:

3rd December 2012, 02:03 PM
Hi, Im new to the NI meets but Im an on/off member due to 5 Mk1 MR2s since early 2000s. Are there many NI members who would meet up regular, I am keen to get a Christmas Meet on the go if the NI orchestrators would be up for it!

Im just outside Belfast if anyone is interested? Bah Humbug?!?!?

4th December 2012, 10:09 AM
hi drew. yes there are plenty of fellow mk1 members in the north..as for meeting up at christmas??? i am in dublin myself, but if you contact colin aka mr2mk1 he is the lao and can also put you in touch with some of the other lads that organise runs up that way.

as for the march first run.... it seems april would be a better time due to any possible sorned vehicles!!! how does this suit everyone??? and who would be interested in going?? also any suggestions as to where the run could or should take place and go?? or do we do as was done 2 years ago and arrange a trip to someplace for a tour and food and meet???? all suggestion welcomed and naturally even more so from those interested in doing the event!!! :)

4th December 2012, 05:38 PM
Brilliant thanks. I would like some experienced eyes on my mk1 just to see what they think needs sorted before April. SORN sounds like a good idea for the winter. Means I can concentrate on getting it nice for the summer.

5th December 2012, 10:29 AM
well there are plenty of members up that way..and all very helpful and informative too :D :D as for the sorn, thats what most of them do.
as i said contact colin aka mr2mk1 he can point you in the right direction for the contacts and keep you up to date on any shows or events planned or happening next year.

6th December 2012, 01:58 PM
Thanks again

7th December 2012, 04:44 PM
Thanks again

more than welcome drew :)
hopefully we will see you out and about in the new year :) :)

7th December 2012, 11:50 PM
Definately, i think half the fun of owning a mk1 is when you sign your name on the V5 you unwittingly have signed into an owners club membership! ;)

10th December 2012, 09:43 AM
Definately, i think half the fun of owning a mk1 is when you sign your name on the V5 you unwittingly have signed into an owners club membership! ;)

LOL not to mention a whole new family too LOL :) :) :) :P

10th January 2013, 04:59 PM
OK... we need a big push now to try and organise a run or event in april after the cars are un sorned!! :D :D
need all the input and interest possible and help in this soon so we can know exactly what is going on for everyones sake..
so if anyone is interested in attending or maybe interested but not sure if it will suit around that time can you please post on here
and let us know one way or another.... thanks.
any suggestions or help is also greatly welcome and appreciated.

31st January 2013, 10:15 AM
ok.. as of the moment there is no interest or comments about a run or meet in april/march :( :( :( at this rate it looks like there wont be one :(
so if there is going to be a meet or run i really need to hear some feedback soon folks!!!!.

9th February 2013, 09:26 PM
Are you familiar with mr2.ie?
If not, you should sign up and post about runs there as well as on here, quite a few mk1 owners on there who attend meets regularly!

11th February 2013, 09:52 AM
cheers for that mr2 lurker. :)

12th February 2013, 08:08 PM
Dude I'd love to attend but my little lady wouldn't be ready in time. Look forward to the day I get to go with mine.

13th February 2013, 09:11 AM
no problem rinzler. thanks for the reply though :) :)

28th February 2013, 08:34 PM
im up for meet...can only ride shotgun though..or if you need an escort/break down van i can do that..lol..

6th March 2013, 09:49 AM
if it happens ronnie you are always more than welcome to go shot gun with me in bumblebee any time we go out :D :D

25th March 2013, 03:56 PM
my car will be getting its MOT around the end of April. Once this rubbish weather clears off it'll pave the way for washing waxing and general tidying. Is there much interest in a run in May? Weather permitting?!?;)

25th March 2013, 05:01 PM
unfortunately drew there is no interest in any runs at present :( :(

25th March 2013, 06:42 PM
i'd love to go mate, but my little lady isn't anywhere near ready. Hows Bumblebee this weather?.

26th March 2013, 09:19 AM
hi rinzler, bumblebee is just sitting there :( hopefully i will get it out for a spin or three soon LOL :) :)

26th March 2013, 07:35 PM
Nice one!. :cool: My little lady is coming along nicely with her restoration!.

27th March 2013, 11:05 AM
thats good to hear :) :) you will have to get a few pics up for us all to see :D

27th March 2013, 07:50 PM
Thanks, she's taking shape nicely, am well happy with the work being done and the progress. Will put some pics up soon!. Hows things with you?.

28th March 2013, 05:36 PM
glad to hear it.... hopefully there will be a meet up at some stage and we can all have an auld chin wag and the rest and see it :) :)
things are pretty much the usual here at the moment, thanks for asking.. how about yourself.. looking forward to all the easter eggs :D :D :D

7th April 2013, 12:18 PM
Sorry for late reply!. I'm doing grand!. Enjoyed a couple of nice easter eggs!. Yourself?, have a good easter?. Progress is steady with the car, hope to get a couple of pics up soon.:)

8th April 2013, 08:12 AM
LOL got a few eggs..still havent touched any of them yet though :) :) steady is good! LOL :) :) looking forward to seeing the pics when you get them :)

1st June 2013, 12:26 PM
So. When's the next meet up then? Seems like no one is interested....

7th September 2013, 02:27 PM
well guys who is still alive and kicking out there...i melted my old phone and lost every no..and no it wasent left on a barbq before someone asks...

9th September 2013, 10:33 AM
still alive here!!!
hows things with you ronnie??? hope all is well :) :)

16th September 2013, 08:52 PM
ok mate all things good, had to change trades slightly to get through this recession..so am kinda double jobbing for the 4 c able future..miss my car like hell..bought a motorbike to curb my urge but its not the same..havent heard a dickey bird from any of the guys..seems this crunch has killed off mr2 owners here..shame as we were on the boil..lost all my numbers so feel free to text any on..keep in touch in case i get my hands on another rare beauty some day lol...