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View Full Version : March 2013 run

12th November 2012, 11:45 AM
ok. both colin and myself are trying to start planning a run for the first run of the year next year now.
we really want people to let us know if they are interested and to give ideas or thoughts on where to run it
or what to do..... last year was a pretty bad and quiet year for us as a club and none of the usual fun,food and
frolicking :) :) :) so we would really like next year to get back to what we all had and enjoyed before hand. i am
sure you will all agree.
so again PLEASE give your thought,opinions and suggestions and if you are interested.
even if you cant come but have ideas feel free to make them here.
thanks to all you help with their input :D

10th January 2013, 04:58 PM
OK... we need a big push now to try and organise a run or event in april after the cars are un sorned!! :D :D
need all the input and interest possible and help in this soon so we can know exactly what is going on for everyones sake..
so if anyone is interested in attending or maybe interested but not sure if it will suit around that time can you please post on here
and let us know one way or another.... thanks.
any suggestions or help is also greatly welcome and appreciated.

31st January 2013, 10:14 AM
ok.. as of the moment there is no interest or comments about a run or meet in april/march :( :( :( at this rate it looks like there wont be one :(
so if there is going to be a meet or run i really need to hear some feedback soon folks!!!!.