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View Full Version : NEC Classic Motor Show November 16th;17th;18th 2012

24th October 2012, 09:28 AM
Our Club is Exhibiting at the Classic Car Show at the NEC in November for the 10th consecutive year. We will be in Hall 12 and our stand number is 12C126. We have four cars on the stand together with display boards; club flags; tables and chairs holding copies of past magazines etc.etc. Details have been included in the club Autumn magazine which should soon appear on this site. If you are interested in coming to the show it is advantageous to pay for your ticket in advance on line www.necclassicmotorshow.com or calling 0871 230 1088. Quote the club code - 2012SC and you will pay £16.50 intead of the full price. Note - this offer only applies to the Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th November. The ticket also allows you into the Footman James Claasic Motorbike Show. If there are any queries please give me a call on 01509 215475 or send me an email at stumr2sc@sky.com
Looking forward to seeing you all there!!
Stuart Kynoch

24th October 2012, 10:48 AM
I'll be there on the Saturday

24th October 2012, 11:42 AM
Hi Stu,

Thanks for posting this up.

@Kris - I think the offer is still there for you to display your car if you'd like. Can you contact Stu if you're still interested? He'll provide you with all the necessary details.


24th October 2012, 11:49 AM
Hi Tom, Thanks for the offer mate. Im putting the car to bed this weekend, but maybe next year.

26th October 2012, 08:31 AM
just booked my tickets :D

29th October 2012, 04:24 PM
Attached is a list of club members that will be exhibiting their cars on our stand or will be present for some or all of the opening days. If you are coming to the show can you spare an hour or so to help man the stand then others can take a quick break. Please add your name to the list. Thanks in advance.

29th October 2012, 04:30 PM
Friday 16th Nov.
1. Stuart Kynoch
2. Ken Salmon
3. Peter Scatchard
4. Richard Brett
5. Mike Savory

29th October 2012, 04:31 PM
Saturday 17th Nov.
1. Stuart Kynoch
2. Ken Salmon
3. Fred Sanderson
4. Doris Sanderson
5. Kris

29th October 2012, 04:32 PM
Sunday 18th Nov.
1. Stuart Kynoch
2. Ken Salmon
3. Tom Mundy

8th November 2012, 04:34 PM
Saturday 17th Nov.
1. Stuart Kynoch
2. Ken Salmon
3. Fred Sanderson
4. Doris Sanderson
5. Luke Dunn

19th November 2012, 06:58 PM
What a massive show this was, fantastic stuff. I briefly swung past the mk1 stand, didnt spot any familar faces though.

Didnt take any pics, but special mentions for the Yugo Convertible & watching Sterling Moss drive his scooter into the back of someone in the halls!

22nd November 2012, 11:49 AM
Yep, really great show, much bigger than i had thought it was going to be.

Was on the Mk1 stand for a little bit chatting to stuart, hope everyone had a good time and got home safe