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View Full Version : Raising awareness of upcoming events

6th March 2012, 07:59 PM
Hi all,

I was asked by Bill Hulme to look at using the site/forum for promoting upcoming events a bit more efficiently and productively.

Following on from this I've introduced the 'Upcoming Events' area at the top of the site. This will be updated as we progress through the year and will hopefully grab people's attention and, as it includes direct links to event forum threads, will hopefully increase attendance.

Here is what you're looking for (ignore the irony for me having to point it out :)):


Does everyone think current month and next month is enough or should I add in a third month?

Also, if you've got an event (preferably with a thread) that you'd like to appear in the new area, let me know.

Here's awaiting your thoughts.


16th March 2012, 11:27 PM
Sorry been off-line for a few days and only just seen this, but I did notice before even entering the events section and I have to say I'm very impressed, looks good.

Think maybe only current and next month to be shown as could bambozzle people with too much and some months coming up do have quite a few events happening and could get and look very busy.


old petrolhead
17th March 2012, 11:40 AM
Good Idea Tom & thanks to Bill for suggesting it. I understand what Debs is saying, but I would like to view 3 months ahead. This is mainly because the Donington Historic Festival is in early May 5th & 6th. I am adding the names of those who are attending to the existing post & would like it to be made a sticky please.
